Example sentences of "[v-ing] off [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In signing off one night , at the end of the news , there was time to mention one or two events that were being held in the region .
2 Red-crested waves rear up like snakes , nicking off bloody foam , thundering out to meet the oncoming sea .
3 For a start , you need a bricklaying trowel for spreading the mortar bed in which each course of bricks or blocks is laid , for buttering mortar on to the end of each brick before you place it , and for trimming off excess mortar afterwards .
4 So top up when you can , rather than stripping off old varnish and starting again .
5 They are ideal for stripping off old paint from fixed joinery such as windows and skirtings .
6 Alternating with the local programme are day trips away for anyone who 's keen , visiting Kosta or Maistraki for a swim and a taverna lunch , sailing to Spetse town to explore ashore , or anchoring off Blue bay or White church bay for a lazy picnic .
7 In this case , the shareholders are passing off some risk on to the manager .
8 ‘ And they 're living off fresh-cooked lamb and white bread and sweet Commanderie ? ’
9 Angry creditors have accused a tourist board of living off borrowed money before it collapsed with debts of more than three hundred thousand pounds .
10 For weeks , staying in youth hostels and living off substantial farmhouse teas , I wandered the Dales in all weathers , often struggling in the fine morning drizzle along high paths that led only into the clouds , then turning , rewarded , to watch the sunlight dipping through the hills and valleys as the rain stopped , glistening on the crags and throwing giant shadows on the slopes .
11 But the most striking anomaly of Labour 's plans is the way it treats millionaires living off unearned income .
12 In response to after-dinner questions at an RPR function in Orléans , Chirac had said that the immigration policies of the Socialist Party ( PS ) had led to an " overdose " , and described a hypothetical immigrant with multiple wives and 20 children , living off social security payments .
13 One serious distortion of UK accounts stems from writing off purchased goodwill directly against reserves .
14 IPL Systems Inc has reported a fourth quarter net loss of $960,000 after a $1m charge for writing off obsolete inventory and to cover staff cuts , against profit last time of $3.1m , on turnover off 18.7% at $11.4m ; net profit for the year to December 31 fell 67.4% at $3.0m on sales off 11.4% at $53.6m .
15 We walked on , jumping over trickles of water , squelching through soggy bits , scrambling over dry stands of heather , bouncing off spongy peat , clambering around rocky outcrops .
16 Verhoeven , coasting off Total Recall , has to inflate the claustrophobic story into a cinematic chainsaw massacre complete with car chases , gore , extreme close-ups , hugely art-directed settings and a climax that Brian De Palms would find overdone .
17 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
18 It spent a third of a million pounds on this flare siphoning off dangerous methane gas — and has these Nigerian Lanner Falcons on constant guard against flocks of seagulls which can be a danger to planes from nearby RAF bases .
19 At the national level , women 's political participation was confined to the ladies auxiliaries of the Conservative and Liberal parties , which were formed during the 1880s and 1890s as a means of making use of women 's formidable political energies and of siphoning off potential protest
20 Our Gillian got terrible food poisoning off strange tablet at a Garden Fete once .
21 ‘ I think it is lovely — very perfect , ’ and he took my hand to lead me out , rattling off some Arabic which was too fast for me to catch but not too fast for the friends with him .
22 Inside I saw Joseph Cotten on the phone , rattling off some scare story about the Monster that Ate the City .
23 In the recession that followed , output fell steeply , levelling off last Summer .
24 Even once the bike is on its side , the rider still fingers the front brake lever , scrubbing off excess speed as the disc pads gently bite on the decelerating rotors .
25 summits shrugging off grim forest
26 Alexandra stood up , found she was standing on her own hem , bobbed a little to release herself and confronted a large , commanding woman pulling off brown suede gloves .
27 Despite the attempts to meet criticisms that privatization would mean selling off Romanian industry to foreign concerns , much public opposition to the law remained .
28 I suspect the answer lies in the demographic changes of the 1980s , which showed a substantial and unexpected in-migration to Scotland , on the same scale and pattern as the ‘ incomers ’ to Wales who were selling off expensive property in south east England and settling down on the proceeds .
29 Selling off public sector land and buildings can be a highly lucrative activity ( in the short term ) .
30 Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen , predicted that the Government 's scheme for selling off British Rail would help to guarantee the defeat of the Tories at the next election .
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