Example sentences of "[v-ing] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We can imagine animals like these darting through the undergrowth in search of food while the colossal reptiles lumbered obliviously around them .
2 While eating we watched a variety of cheeky small birds darting through the restaurant , picking up tasty crumbs of freshly baked bread and croissants or dipping their long narrow beaks around the lid of the sugar bowl when the waiters were n't looking .
3 On a final , poignant note , I notice a large arrow sticking through the front and rear of the house .
4 I know nothing about radio — but I do n't need to , I realize , because , even while I watch , the waves are softly withdrawing from the wavebands , as from a beach at low tide on a calm summer 's afternoon , leaving me gazing through the darkness of my son 's bedroom at three shirts , two of them size 35 long , one of them size 32 medium .
5 ‘ How much longer ? ’ he said irritably , gazing through the windscreen , out across the Thames .
6 Emma looked into her mother 's face , and then making a small movement with her head before turning away and , gazing through the windscreen , she said , ‘ I 'm …
7 One pupil , sitting in the coveted position alongside the radiator , is gazing through the window and into the distance .
8 The two biffos would have come sneaking through the door , rubbing their hands and telling themselves they 'd got me by the balls , and I 'd have pointed the extinguisher and put out their fire .
9 Finally , what was billed as a spectacular display of gunpowder , fire , balloons and art … featuring Halley 's comet speeding through the cosmos .
10 In the sleeper compartment of a train speeding through the night a youth crouches over a naked woman he has drugged with a hypodermic syringe .
11 Before long we were speeding through the night towards Joyce 's Country , County Galway .
12 While this was being organised , the sheriff 's car , Springfield at the wheel , was speeding through the night towards Rockford and beyond , heading for Dawson County Hospital .
13 Time and again the images have a distilled beauty : the simple two-shot before the battle in which Krishna explains to the warrior Arjuna that ‘ Victory and defeat , pleasure and pain are all the same ’ , the sight of the nagaswaram ( the shawm-like musical instruments ) echoing their peals to the skies , Karna 's golden lance speeding through the air on its momentous flight to pierce the green-bellied Ghatotkatcha .
14 But then , with a sudden movement , his hand went back and something went speeding through the air .
15 I was speeding through the rage barrier .
16 They also reduce land loss , since it is estimated that channels with 50 per cent tree and shrub cover on both banks require only approximately half the width for a given volume of bankfull flood-water speeding through the channel , compared to treeless brooks which erode out into the adjacent fields .
17 In the meantime , motorists caught speeding through the contraflow can expect to receive a court summons in the post .
18 But Faye had already turned to the thick , creamy frontispiece to check for herself before leafing through the rest of the volume .
19 I remember my wedding ring sitting on a fat burgundy cushion , Oliver leafing through the telephone directory looking for people with silly names , how I felt .
20 For a modest annual fee , you 'll be given access to a wealth of local inspiration , and while you 're leafing through the trust 's reserves handbook , planning your ‘ research visits ’ for the coming seasons , you 'll be helping to ensure the survival of that unique ‘ library ’ of wild places .
21 Zen was leafing through the folder .
22 That old devil , Time , was what he saw there , Time at his insidious work , leafing through the picture-album of his past and using the sky outside the window to throw long-forgotten images onto its evening brightness , each disposition of cloud-shape and colour-tint magically re-forming into a scene from his Granard childhood .
23 flaring through the hiss of distance …
24 She had heard wonderful stories from people who had watched soldiers practising , stories of shining metal flashing through the air .
25 He came back without warning , overriding his own harbingers and flashing through the opening gates and straight to the hall , heralded only by the flag streaming above him .
26 Flashing through the birch wood came the white Mercedes-Benz , from which he leapt in his greatcoat and then dashed across the yard yelling out orders .
27 First , flashing through the gathering dark , a fire-engine screamed past the window of the Spinners ' .
28 She was anxious not to make a noise , but even though her feet fell softly into the leaves strewing the path the wood was so still and silent that she really felt as if she were thudding through the wood .
29 They had begun life catering for the manic requirements of radio 's The Goon Show , which stretched ingenuity to the full , requiring anything from Major Bloodnok 's gastric eruptions to the sound of ‘ a batter pudding whizzing through the air , hitting a wall and slithering to the floor ’ .
30 ‘ I saw this piece of metal whizzing through the air at an unbelievable speed , ’ Robert said .
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