Example sentences of "[v-ing] high in the " in BNC.

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1 Stepping high in the light gravity and brandishing the bag before her , she ploughed her way out into the open air .
2 With a heavy sigh she lay back on the pile of beach cushions , closing her eyes against the early-morning sun , already climbing high in the sky .
3 As soon as deaf and dumb children were recognised as capable of benefiting from secular and religious teaching , their rescue from degradation and the saving of their souls became objects ranking high in the scale of Victorian values .
4 ‘ While engaged in watching the movements of the several species of the great family of Procellaridae , which at one time often and often surrounded the ships that conveyed me round the world , a bright speck would appear on the distant horizon , and , gradually approaching nearer and nearer , at length assumed the form of the White-headed petrel , whose wing-powers far exceed those of any of its congeners ; at one moment it would be rising high in the air , at the next sweeping comet-like through the flocks flying around ; never , however , approaching the ship sufficiently near for a successful shot , and it was equally wary in avoiding the boat with which I was frequently favoured for the purpose of securing examples of other species ; but , to make use of a familiar adage , the most knowing are taken in at last ’ ’ ; one beautiful morning , the 20th of Feb. 1839 , during my passage from Hobart Town to Sydney , when the sea was perfectly calm and of a glassy smoothness , this wanderer of the ocean came in sight and approached within three hundred yards of the vessel ; anxious to attract him still closer , so as to bring him within range , I thought of the following stratagem : — a corked bottle , attached to a long line , was thrown overboard and allowed to drift to the distance of forty or fifty yards , and kept there until the bird favoured us with another visit , while flying around in immense circles ; at length his keen eye caught sight of the neck of the bottle ( to which a bobbing motion was communicated by sudden jerks of the string ) , and he at once proceeded to examine more closely what it was that had arrested his attention ; during this momentary pause the trigger was pulled , the boat lowered , and the bird was soon in my possession . ’
5 Those sub-pop noise boys — Slug — have been riding high in the local artists chart with their brand new demo .
6 The Irish-American hip-hop outfit , currently riding high in the US charts , signed to XL Recordings ' new Ruffness label last month .
7 In broad terms these show Britain riding high in the international league table in the 1950s and 1960s but falling heavily over the 1970s [ Freeman , 1979 ] .
8 AZTEC CAMERA , currently riding high in the charts with ‘ Good Morning Britain ’ , will play a one-off date at London Brixton Academy on December 20 — the last date of their current world tour .
9 The crazy old vessels , riding high in the water without cargo , awaited their owners return .
10 AZTEC CAMERA , currently riding high in the charts with ‘ Good Morning Britain ’ , will play a one-off date at London Brixton Academy on December 20 — the last date of their current world tour .
11 Although the moon was riding high in the sky , and shedding a rather weird , eerie glow on the flowering shrubs and various trees edging the green lawn , she was surprised at how much more calm and at ease she felt in the soft , enveloping darkness as she picked her way carefully over the sand .
12 Their delegates may look the same as in the beard and sandal days of the Liberals , but in reality the party is now well organised and riding high in the polls but their true identity remains a mystery .
13 ‘ Feelings are running high in the area , ’ he said .
14 Feeling was running high in the city against the American ‘ butchers ’ .
15 Emotions have been running high in the community since James 's body was found on a railway embankment .
16 Two lads from Teesdale , Alan and Neil , in their second season in the Dauphiné were bivouacking high in the fine weather spell and motoring round the guidebook classics .
17 When Anabelle woke , she crawled out from under the shrub and saw the moon sailing high in the sky .
18 They spend months on end continuously on the wing , feeding by catching insects in mid-air , mating by coupling high in the sky and tumbling downwards interlocked for hundreds of feet , and presumably even sleeping on the wing .
19 Woolly monkeys live very largely on leaves and they spend hours every day sitting high in the canopy , a hundred feet or more above the ground , plucking leaves and cramming them into their mouths .
20 Standing high in the nave is the pulpit attributed to Grinling Gibbons .
21 The possibility of achieving the semblance of virtue by working at standing high in the teacher 's estimation , seems to us a perfect nursery for the acquisition of the criminal or exploitative view of the social world .
22 The puppies were born by the woodpile and the red bitch strutted around proudly , her feathery tail waving high in the air behind her .
23 At Sloane Square Underground Station Willis pointed out the mighty iron pipe crossing high in the air above the passenger line .
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