Example sentences of "[v-ing] with the small " in BNC.

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1 I found myself revising with the small colloquia that lay around the grassy precincts of the university .
2 Large , short-necked , broad-winged , rather short-tailed birds , much smaller than same-shaped but longer-necked Aquila eagles ( pp. 79–81 ) and overlapping with the smaller eagles and the mostly smaller long-winged long tailed harriers ( p 87 ) .
3 Starting with the smallest at say 65cm ( 25½in ) diameter we should have at least 10 gores , and for the huge 204cm ( 80in ) ‘ chute 18 or even 20 gores .
4 Mark the centres of all holes , then drill and bore , starting with the smallest
5 I 'm starting with the smaller accessories , since they often seem to be passed over .
6 That should be simpler if a planned new single regulator dealing with the small investor , the personal-investment authority , replaces three existing SROs .
7 The employees interviewed in the 30 banks all have the responsibility for making lending decisions to small business customers , but in only a few cases were those branch managers as such , because generally the role of dealing with the small business customer is delegated to executives such as the specialised Enterprise Manager , or the Small Business Manager , all of whom had several years ' experience .
8 When you 're dealing with the smallest cogs in a ‘ million pound train-set ’ which in any case will not be operational for decades , how can you think to exchange these with a human life ?
9 The highest success rates were obtained from questions dealing with the smaller metric units , those with answers of 10 or 100 .
10 Even the Revolutionary Policy Committee , the section of the ILP most closely identified with the Communists , was dubious of the value of associating with the small and discredited Communist Party .
11 Fred Jowett , who nevertheless remained with the ILP , " believed that it was fundamental for the ILP to continue to keep in the main stream of working class life through its mass organisation in the Labour Party and the Trade Union Movement " .37 After the " clean break " of 1932 the ILP could only alleviate its isolation by working with the smaller , though more militant , groups on the Left .
12 This was followed by weeks of bargaining with the smaller parties over ministerial posts and policies .
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