Example sentences of "[v-ing] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She could eat her words , while denying with the maximum of emphasis that she was ever ‘ for turning ’ .
2 Pumping the flaps up to climb and re-trimming with the dinky roof-mounted trim wheels , I reduced power to Tony 's easy noise-abatement power of thirty inches and 2,000 rpm , subjugating the normal 750 feet-per-minute climb at 33 inches and 2,200 rpm in the cause of good neighbourhood relations .
3 But they put their foot down when it came to maths and they caught me grappling with the colour scheme of a kestrel .
4 One can see him grappling with the difficulty in his poem-cum-essay ‘ The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm 's Son ’ , published in 1953 , the year before The Fellowship of the Ring .
5 He told the court at Wakefield : ‘ I was grappling with the pit bull for about 10 minutes to get it off and I also got bitten . ’
6 By 1911 , Umberto Boccioni who was dead by 1916 , was grappling with the emotions of modern life ; the impact and anxieties of living in the stroboscopic uncertainties of a mechanised urban environment .
7 Yet other Western states , still grappling with the aftermath of 1973 , pressured Schmidt to reflate the West German economy faster so as to help their own recovery .
8 TEACHERS are grappling with the appliance of science in the primary classroom .
9 There is a trace of the multiple overview of Cubism in the treatment of their faces ; for once Modigliani was experimenting in technique , not engaged in grappling with the secret of personality .
10 The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade , but still the cars choke the cobbled streets .
11 The laboratories are still grappling with the problem of large , flat screen TV .
12 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
13 Lynn Eaton looks at how staff in one SSD are grappling with the problem
14 One corner of the Instrumentation and Control Board activities was concerned for weeks or months with grappling with the problem .
15 Other towns in Oxfordshire are still grappling with the problem .
16 But , though it is heartening to find an Iranian writer bravely grappling with the problems of exile and turning a critical eye on the values of both his native and adopted countries , Mr Ataie will write better plays when he admits the theatrical importance of contradiction and argument .
17 If the poetry of the early part of the eighteenth century is already grappling with the problems associated with a realistic treatment of agricultural labour , it is not surprising that an agricultural labourer should eventually make an impact as a poet .
18 His experiences there in grappling with the problems of planning the postwar development of the French economy had made him increasingly convinced that effective economic planning was beyond the capacity of any single state , but would depend upon intense cooperation between states .
19 In point of fact , he showed far less difficulty in grappling with the mysteries of electronics than he did in understanding the concept of rappers and street cred , and the multi-racial society , although he experienced no difficulty whatsoever with the problems of racial discrimination .
20 And so it came about that while the Operational Staffs of the three Service Ministries were grappling with the Suez crisis of 1956 , which entailed increasing the Defence effort and calling up reservists to fill gaps in the order of battle for the contingency plan Musketeer , they were answering questions posed by the Hull Committee about the implications of halving Service manpower by April 1960 or 1961 at the very latest !
21 [ what is ] apparent during this period is the bewilderment and confusion of many sections of the liberal intelligentsia in grappling with the immigration issue at the same time as they had difficulties in understanding the new elements of youth culture brought on by the emergence of what was in popular parlance being termed an ‘ affluent society ’ .
22 He maintained that he was thinking about gold and the strange fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men grappling with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
23 Our activities fill the newspapers and magazines — siring more children ; making , or failing to make , ends meet ; grappling with the intricacies of our lives as workers , parents , divorcees .
24 Looking back , I can see one of the porters grappling with the car door .
25 These strategies for grappling with the explanation of most liberal democracies ' stability do little to reduce the problems that Marxist theorists confront in coming to terms with an enduring political alternative to state socialism , and one which most Western Marxists seem to find preferable to the Stalinist forms of state socialism .
26 There are many gifted teachers who are extraordinarily successful in this way , who are not just animated interpreters of complex concepts and theories , but who are able to galvanize their students into grappling with the issues for themselves .
27 With unusual explicitness , he states the grounds and consequences of his approach , and in addition to grappling with the task of offering holist explanations , he addresses its epistemological corollaries .
28 Like Dexter , she had had enough of grappling with the bundles of facts she had accumulated , facts that did not slot together to form a coherent pattern ; but dissolved and reformed into new patterns every time she touched them .
29 Living as he was on the borders of his lost paradise , in the limitless landscape of childhood from which he had been banished into adulthood , an uncomfortable country , I sensed that Jean-Claude was continually grappling with the feeling that his present was a poor reflection of his past .
30 At the time of the first interviews in June 1990 the authorities were grappling with the devolution of services to the units and the district 's attempt to come to terms with the new role of purchaser .
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