Example sentences of "[v-ing] for a more " in BNC.

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1 Even allowing for a more diverse class-composition , this village inhabits another world from that other .
2 Conversely , Henry VII 's shell is more tubular , probably allowing for a more natural appearance of majesty when positioning the funerary sceptres in the hands .
3 The meeting was reported to have seen differences between Syria , Iraq , Sudan and Libya on the one hand , which were pushing for a more intransigent Arab League position , and the Gulf states on the other , which spoke out for " international legitimacy " ( according to Radio Monte Carlo on April 30 ) .
4 We are looking for a more realistic piece of sky . ’
5 Warning of the growing impatience of the shabab , the youth , one journalist wrote ‘ if they [ the shabab ] see that the PLO 's political initiatives are producing no results , they will force the PLO into a more radical posture or else they will go looking for a more radical leadership within the PLO . ’
6 With companies now planning their entertainment strategy for the coming year , some will be looking for a more exciting day out .
7 Muriel , probably because of her years and the fact they were looking for a more mature person , was by a hair 's breadth the front-runner , ahead of two younger girls both with experience of the insurance business .
8 Our ‘ Shoestring ’ properties tend to be smaller and less grand than most of the larger resort hotels , and are an excellent choice if you 're looking for a more ‘ ethnic ’ type of holiday .
9 Those who are working as agency or casual workers " involuntarily " , whilst looking for a more permanent job , are also , by definition , not interested in building up long-term relationships with their employers .
10 Depositors are commonly financial institutions and multinational firms looking for a more profitable or convenient outlet for dollar deposits that they have acquired in the USA .
11 ‘ Just keep looking for a more credible suspect with a motive you have n't found yet , I suggest . ’
12 The Liberal Democrats , in apparent decline , were in the meantime searching for a more catchy slogan .
13 It is also hard to move without being promoted , so if you do not want more administrative responsibility , or are not promotion material , again you are inhibited from searching for a more congenial workplace .
14 Now they are going for a more ambitious target — one company-wide registration to include safety , personnel and management services .
15 Mr Creme believes Christ has already come again — came a few years ago actually — and is now residing in the Asian community in London , waiting for a more receptive attitude from the press before He shows Himself on worldwide television , when ‘ He wo n't actually speak , but His thoughts , His ideas , His call to humanity , will take place silently , telepathically . ’
16 The second keyword field contains additional " clue " keywords which provide more information about the specific references as well as expanding the scope of the inquiry and providing for a more flexible approach to a project .
17 A growing number of influential voices are calling for a more radical move away from pure PR .
18 Criticism of the running of the war went on though , and in June the Executive passed a resolution calling for a more active prosecution of the War .
19 The meeting , which was attended by 114 of its 161 members and by 14 observer delegations , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a more co-ordinated international approach to the problem of aircraft noise .
20 The RSPB is calling for a more co-ordinated government approach to protect vulnerable coastal areas .
21 ‘ I plan to run another in the autumn and will be aiming for a more polished performance . ’
22 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
23 Catholicism , for centuries , allied itself with conservative forces opposed to progress but now that elements within the church have come out in favour of change , they appear to be opting for a more socialist , rather than capitalist , line .
24 Football news now … and after losing their last four matches , Swindon Town are opting for a more defensive policy in tonight 's home game against Tranmere Rovers .
25 It may in part be a function of the teacher 's own practices , and when this is so an analysis of his or her use of time , from the broad organizational strategies right down to the minutiae of moment-to-moment interactions with the children , could help both in creating more time and in making for a more effective and efficient context for learning .
26 Since then , their differences on economic reform have become apparent , with Klaus leading the monetarists and Komarek arguing for a more Keynesian approach .
27 As well as arguing for a more liberal attitude towards the child , Locke also pleaded for a broader curriculum .
28 Further pleas for macro-geomorphology have been made by Summerfield ( 1981 ) arguing for a more secure basis of geophysical , sedimentological and geochronometric , data and the potential for megageomorphology may remain ( Gardner and Scoging , 1983 ) .
29 The arts world does not expect to resolve its funding problems by a change of government , but it is hoping for a more civilised political climate .
30 But councillors are lokking for a more long term , solution … they 're to petion the county council for money for full time youth workers .
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