Example sentences of "[v-ing] in the area " in BNC.

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1 Mr Allsopp was known to suffer from senile dementia and was often seen walking in the area .
2 There are no known tectonic plate boundaries in the area but a very ancient boundary may be lurking in the area .
3 However , Lewis and Maund ( 1979 ) did find that social segregation was occurring in the areas with the largest influx of newcomers and the largest populations .
4 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
5 Both also need to be helped to understand the nature of the changes occurring in the area in which they live — whether disappearing hedgerows or the closing down of a street market .
6 What is likely to complicate matters even more is the fact that the publication and dissemination of the Dunrossness report ( see Byron and McFarlane , 1980 ) is likely to add further fuel to the processes discussed above ; not simply in the sense that the report constitutes a kind of distillation of the processes concerned but , more importantly , in the sense that the report provides a source of rhetoric for future discussion about , and agreement over , what is happening in the area .
7 The local library is the place to find lists of local societies and discover what is happening in the area .
8 So important a part did this crisis play in determining the events which are the subject of this report that they can not be properly understood without an appreciation of the extent to which the crisis overshadowed everything else that was happening in the area at the time .
9 I think these proposals not only are a way forward but also in light of what is actually happening in the area of Highfields with er the high numbers of unemployment , with the high rate of people underachieving in education I think for the last two and a half years there has been no clear guidelines or structure that has systematically brought about any results in the two centres to move forward where people have lost out by this issue being bureaucratic and a political football that 's being kicked about and I think it 's about time where we now have cross party consensus that we move positively forward and work towards these proposals .
10 I 'm back with another Fox Report on Monday , but if you want to know everything about the sport and leisure that 's happening in the area , do make sure you listen to Fox leisure with Steve Priestley and Phil Angell tomorrow at two , and Steve Priestly is here , in person , after the news at seven with the Red Fox .
11 Alternatively you can join in activities on a daily basis if you live or are holidaying in the area .
12 In the heat of a sultry evening , Britain had the fitness and the heart to outlast the clever Koreans and it was Sixsmith who got the winner , poaching in the area after the ball had pinballed around from a short corner .
13 Nearby branches of Books Etc were untouched — although of course they could not avoid being affected by the disruption that was caused by the bomb to trading in the area .
14 After a few days climbing in the area we realised this might mean new or close together , but rarely both .
15 What if the passenger gets out half an hour before the crash , but the driver continues driving in the area and crashes near where the passenger is still standing talking to his mates ?
16 Part is earmarked for transfer to the impoverished peasant farmers living in the areas concerned .
17 Those Asians and West Indians who are more dispersed among the white population are far less likely to suffer every kind of disadvantage than those living in the areas of local concentration .
18 People living in the areas had been exposed to three times the acceptable level of ionising radiation .
19 Whether or not the Camelford aluminium case is ever proved to have led to long-term damage to the health of people living in the area , it was certainly a major pollution incident .
20 The sense of division which exists is a comparatively new phenomenon , at least to judge from the life histories and recollections of people living in the area .
21 In 1910 there had been 315,281 Germans , 9,491 Poles , 2,124 Kaszubians and 3,021 others living in the area that was to become the Free City .
22 According to António Arragão ( in Subsídios para a História da Cidade do Funchal , 1979 ) , before 1425 a small group of people were living in the area of Santa Maria do Calhau , mainly in single-storey straw-roofed buildings .
23 Land Trusts , he thought , should be responsible for the proper exploitation of resources and would need to pay attention to the human and social needs of everyone living in the area .
24 It will create a number of jobs for people living in the area .
25 Erm and I think actually being part of them and you know like , inner city churches , living right the you know the vicar 's and the the congregation 's not just coming from say to , but actually living in the area .
26 In June of 1684 Sir John Lowther of Stockbridge wrote to Sir Daniel asking him to make enquiry if there were any men still living in the area who might have worked the copper mines at Caldbeck Keswick or elsewhere in Cumberland .
27 It is important to understand that they are the people living in the area — the people who have suffered so much since 1947 .
28 She had found out from Angy 's relatives that she was living in the area and had secretly taken the opportunity of getting in touch with her .
29 Do they see erm , if , if they migrate to the city in the urban areas then they realize they wo n't get a job , and have a job straight away , er well paying job but by actually living in the area they would and taking in at a job and they get a lot of contacts and then eventually after a period of time they job .
30 The water supply of over a million people living in the area are is contaminated by a range of pollutants , including heavy metals , and nitrates at concentrations of up to 25 times the permitted EC limits .
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