Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In 45-minute classes infants grapple with walking in time to music , marching , pony-trotting ; facial expressions and gestures are tested , too .
2 To be sure , this contrast is over-stated , and academic fields have periods of relative stagnation and sudden revolution , just as professional ones can evolve almost without anyone noticing in response to shifts in practice .
3 Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects , many of which involve cash cropping and ranching .
4 As is the case with the parasitic wasp , it seems that sex allocation is occurring in response to environmental variation .
5 I gaze at the entry for a long time , tom between a longing to hear his voice again and the terror of becoming in thrall to even his disembodied form .
6 Research is focused on what is actually happening in response to the innovation .
7 Opposition politicians on Sept. 5 alleged that senior officials were involved in corruption and influence peddling in relation to the privatization of state assets .
8 There will be classrooms where it is evident that these factors are already borne in mind , and which will need only minor additions such as the clear labelling of cupboards in print or braille , or a rearrangement of seating in relation to light sources from windows and to ensure clear visibility of blackboard or overhead projector .
9 Only the person to whom the duty of confidence is owed will be allowed to sue ; in other words , an outsider who is adversely affected by trading in shares to which the information relates , will again have no remedy .
10 It was during the inter-regnum of 1907 to 1912 , when Lugard was occupied as governor of Hong Kong before returning in triumph to be Governor-General of a united Nigeria , that the Northern Residents seized their opportunity to move collectively into a position of virtually unassailable independence from the central government .
11 On the strength of this , the Swiss issued arrest warrants for all the DEA/CIA targets , and before returning in triumph to Paris , Jafaar rounded off his winter 's work by trapping Haser into a highly incriminating recorded conversation about heroin and morphine base shipments .
12 Quails ( 31 ) : as in the previous year ( Exodus 16 ) , this was a migratory flight returning in spring to Europe .
13 A friend and I were driving in spring to Crarae gardens near Inveraray so I could salivate over the rhododendrons , but we grew tired of travelling at seven miles an hour behind clods in caravans and on reaching the Rest And Be Thankful pulled into the side to wander about at the base of Beinn an Lochain .
14 Gall bladder emptying in response to graded CCK8 stimulation was impaired in five of 11 patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy , whereas it was normal in the patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy ( p<0.01 ) .
15 In the present study we found that five asymptomatic diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy had impaired gall bladder emptying in response to graded doses of cholecystokinin 8 .
16 These results closely agree with a study of Stone and coworkers who , using cholesintigraphy , observed a 21% reduction of gall bladder emptying in response to a maximal dose of cholecystokinin 8 in diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in comparison with patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy .
17 A reduced gall bladder emptying in response to a meal and to infusion of CCK-33 has been reported in such patients .
18 And in saying this sort of thing to its own members , the church also invites the rest of the community to find for itself , people within the community to find for themselves , the positive benefits of living in obedience to the word of God .
19 Assessments of individuals along any of these scales is an element of the shared local knowledge which develops out of living in face to face ( or often back to back ) communities .
20 Ill health dogged his period at St Mary 's , and he returned for a further period of treatment while he was the curate , and in September 1962 he came to Coniston as the Parish priest and significantly , no further setbacks were experienced to his health while he was living in proximity to Coniston Old Man and during the period he was Parish Priest .
21 Then she turned to speak to all the eagles there , for most were listening in silence to her except those , and there were some , who had been so long in the Cages or so affected by them that they showed interest in nothing but food , their spirit killed by imprisonment .
22 By the time he reached the table where Fishbane was listening in silence to his enraged colleague , with splendid timing the Colonel had got on to ‘ bloody young whipper-snappers ’ .
23 It occurs in Henry IV , Part I. Falstaff and the Prince are having a high old time by pretending in turn to be the King chastising Hal for his association with Falstaff .
24 Healthy organic growth is proportionate , with each area and function developing in relation to the other .
25 Leonora lay hugging a hot-water bottle in the noisy darkness , grateful for the warmth as she listened to the wind howling in counterpoint to the boom of the sea on the rocks below .
26 The juggling becomes most precarious when you have to combine regular work with maintaining a training programme , and fitting in commitments to sponsors and the press .
27 Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood , which are examined in the next chapter .
28 His accent and his difficulty in communicating in English to his players has , ironically , aided his coaching style .
29 They had ‘ disavowed any intention , for the present , of acting in opposition to the Labour movement in the country , and certainly their action in many constituencies during the last election gives earnest of their disavowal . ’
30 I 'm writing in response to the letter by Ben Horne ( FACE 18 ) .
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