Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few months of publication , however , Sony unveiled the first handheld , self-contained CD-ROM system , launching it first in Japan and then in Europe and the United States .
2 It 's been so hard keeping it all to myself . ’
3 Keeping it all in house , Henry Cook Lumsden Plc is the broker to the issue .
4 Their political passivity about these communal services ca n't be understood without taking into account the benefit of keeping it all in the family — for men it secured their surveillance over the time and labour of women .
5 And to look at the colourful display of begonias , geraniums and fuchsias set against the trees and shrubs , the unusual rockery plants , the miniature acres in their raised beds , linked pools and waterfall , emptying into a small bog garden , and the greenhouse brimming with plants raised from cuttings and seed , you would think the Doughtys spend hours every day keeping it all in trim .
6 I 'm keeping it warm for you ! ’
7 This success also gave City their first League double of the season , but it was a little ironical that in a game where the respective goalkeepers played a prominent part in keeping it goalless for 70 minutes , an error by the Halesowen custodian should have produced the match winning goal .
8 Stand the cutting in strong light , keeping it damp without drowning it !
9 Rather , the tradition includes and is aware of its primitive origins : this reminds the tradition of its vulnerability and need to look for higher guidance , while keeping it aware of crude root emotions which can not be avoided .
10 Each evening I reported to Anne , keeping it light for the most part .
11 ‘ Well , thanks for explaining it all to me , but I 'll have to be going too , I 'm afraid . ’
12 Once she was certain that the house was asleep she had climbed lightly out of bed , dipping her face into the bowl of washing water on the table near the door and dabbing it dry with a hand towel .
13 I 'm basing it all on past experience .
14 His bulk put weight behind the blade , driving it first to the right then to the left , encountering no obstruction from rib or breastbone .
15 This hangar was all closed up apart from one door , so he drove in in the semi-dark and reversed rapidly into what he thought was an empty corner without checking it first for parked vehicles .
16 It 's like trying to turn beef steak rawk into a New Age lentilburger , not by changing the ingredients but simply enveloping it all in a laser-fried wholemeal bun and hoping that nobody will notice the difference .
17 Again , in a frenzied blur of storm-driven wind , ice-cold rain , glass and splintered wood , Cardiff was suddenly at that door now , tearing it open with one gloved hand while he pushed Jimmy and the girl through into the darkness .
18 A dune had encroached onto the road and he was slicing away its tip , tossing it clear of the tarmac behind him .
19 We had a job which was involved in loading up the day before this is in a big van , in the previous job I I had , er er a large van fu filling it full of a houseful of furniture in the afternoon , sp spending two or three hours taking it out of store , and we were asked to deliver it to an address in New Brighton .
20 He could have worked things out the same way I had , and he 'd have had a hellish time believing it all of his own son .
21 Before he could do so , however , an aproned , curly-haired housekeeper appeared through a side door , pushing it open with one of her ample hips as both hands were occupied in bearing a tray .
22 Roughing it Many of us believe our skin will look better if we slough off dead cells by using a facial scrub .
23 Rose stared at the table , imagining it full of people , talking — but surely not blind .
24 Both women looked at him in joint appeal and he marched to the door , pulling it open with unnecessary force .
25 Perhaps he was selling it all off a stall or using the condoms on some young woman .
26 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
27 If a local merchant then buys wine and decants it into re-sealable quarter-litre bottles , selling it retail at $1.00 per bottle , two effects might be observed .
28 To sum up : a contract is void if , at the time the contract is made and unknown to the parties , goods have perished or do not exist , thereby rendering it impossible for the contract to be performed ; this , however , is subject to the qualification that the contract will not be void if the parties expressly or impliedly agreed otherwise .
29 According to Computer Reseller News it will incorporate parts of both the Motion Picture and the Joint Photographic Experts Groups algorithms , rendering it capable of running video at 30 frames a second without additional hardware .
30 You have not only derived from it the means of raising your subterranean wealth , but those also of rendering it available to the public . ’
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