Example sentences of "[v-ing] to work for " in BNC.

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1 10.3 The appropriate line manager will ensure that adequate support and assistance are provided to the employee on returning to work for a specified ‘ settling in ’ period .
2 Going to work for a young musician may mean days spent rehearsing — getting songs down on tape , producing a demo on a front-room recording unit , or playing at a pub gig .
3 Going to work for us , too ?
4 Furthermore , an oversell leaves the candidate wondering what kind of people they are going to work for .
5 If you are going to work for somebody else , then you 'll need to prepare a record of your abilities and experience .
6 I feel it did , I strongly feel it , feel that , but I 'm also sure that its an awful lot easier than , than most people think , but its not going to work for us is it ?
7 ( CBHP ) I was going to work for ?
8 But if I 'm going to work for these people — and what choice do I have ? — I need all the forewarning I can get .
9 I said to me mother , I ai n't going to work for me dad like our Albert did .
10 And I said to me mother , I says look here , when I 'm old enough to work I say 's , I ai n't going to work for me dad I shall get a job on me own .
11 Just because my mother is going to work for you it does n't give you droit de seigneur ! ’
12 He 'd put his mind to it that he would n't , you know this he had it in mind that we were going to work for this thirty pound a week less , take it or leave it .
13 I told you he does n't know I 'm going to work for Matthew .
14 She began to wonder if Matthew knew himself that she was coming , that she was going to work for him again .
15 I enclose a cheque for £25 made out to Covenant House , since our Charities Aid Vouchers are n't going to work for Bruce Harris .
16 Aha I thought they were n't going to work for him Did he get the job at
17 He was going to work for fifteen hundred were n't he ?
18 Who was talking of going to work for a different firm then ?
19 There was two farmers that were going to meet us and her farmer was there , and I was chatting , and he was , you know , very pleasant , and ’ Who are you going to work for then ? ’ , and I said ’ Mr So and so ’ .
20 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
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