Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Basler have chosen to alter the cabin glazing to porthole style .
2 The task will fall to the manager to persuade advice workers to attend race-awareness training in addition to popular updating in welfare benefits ; managers may have the task of explaining to management committee members why they now need training after so many years without it ; it will be the manager 's job to be attuned to advice workers ' weaknesses and tactfully point them to the relevant additional training ; the manager must find a balance in workers ' meetings between training , casework and group support .
3 The few states which actually measured what was happening to landfill capacity reported that it was increasing , in some cases because more waste was being diverted to recycling or waste-to-energy plants .
4 Our understanding of what was happening to party politics under William and Anne can only be complete when we consider the wider world outside Westminster , which will be the subject of the following chapter .
5 Marxist arguments support this view , pointing out that cheap housing reduces the pressure on wages , allowing the labour force to reproduce itself despite low wages and in this way contributing to capital accumulation in the capitalist sector .
6 Where maturation is not synchronous , clinical signs may not occur but the adult worm burdens which develop can play a significant epidemiological role by contributing to pasture contamination in the spring .
7 A House of Commons report has blamed the World Bank for contributing to rainforest destruction .
8 Friends of the Earth has called for a boycott of all timber products from Britain 's leading " do-it-yourself " chain stores , on the grounds that their import of tropical hardwoods is contributing to rainforest destruction .
9 two fields contributing to student progress ( except for double field students ) ;
10 First production from Purification , through temporary facilities , is forecast to begin contributing to cash flow early in 1993 .
11 Manure seepage from storage areas is polluting waterways and evaporating ammonia is contributing to acid rain .
12 ‘ Generating electricity causes serious environmental damage by contributing to acid rain , to the build up of radioactive waste and to the threat of global climate change .
13 Though nuclear stations give off minute quantities of carbon dioxide , their effects on global warming are negligible compared with coal and gas which also produce pollutants contributing to acid rain .
14 This vasodilatation is thought to be the mechanism triggering the activation of neurohumoral factors contributing to sodium retention , extracellular fluid volume expansion and ascites formation .
15 Various bodies concerned with the particular problems of the unmarried mother or with single-parent families also increasingly see their role as contributing to family welfare .
16 This is the principle upon which Dr Barsamian 's mathematics for vortex field equations is constructed , and in accordance with the above findings relating to Life Force energy fields , an understanding of the problem of cancer is also made easier .
17 There are detailed rules relating to documentary evidence , experts ' reports , experts , and evidence in general contained in Ord 20 and the copious notes thereunder , and reference should be made to The County Court Practice and to the standard text books .
18 a summary of the content and organisation of that part of the curriculum relating to sex education ( where it is offered ) ;
19 For one complete year ( 1985 ) every item relating to sex crime was identified in the sixteen newspapers — four popular dailies , two ‘ quality ’ dailies , five national Sundays , three local evenings , and two local weeklies .
20 Embryologists are sensitive about issues relating to animal experimentation and the vast majority of experiments are done on very early embryos which are rarely allowed to develop to maturity .
21 Further information on any issue relating to workplace assessment may be obtained from .
22 Public authorities have extensive discretion in their operation of the law relating to child welfare ( Alcock and Harris , 1982 ) , and are legally empowered to offer a preventive service aimed at supporting families in their caring for children .
23 Interest in this area arose originally from a consideration of the concept of ‘ parental rights ’ , of how this concept is defined in law and social services practice relating to child care and adoption , and to what extent it might be reasonable to speak of there being any extant meaningful ‘ parental rights ’ in the contemporary scene .
24 The House will also wish to know that European Standing Committee B will meet at 10.30 am on Wednesday 27 November to consider European Community document No. 7485/91 relating to child care .
25 In France too , the Lumière Brothers operated on a much larger scale than their British counterparts and , by 1902 , Pathé-Frères had expanded to the point where it carried out all the functions relating to film production — from the manufacture of film stock to exhibition .
26 Such a ‘ note ’ would have a frequency of about 400 GHz and a corresponding wavelength of 0.7 mm , that is to say it is a microwave of about the same order of size as the ones used in microwave ovens Now the law relating to microwave transmission is very strict , and microwave ovens are suitably shielded to prevent the unwanted escape of potentially lethal radiation .
27 ( b ) Transfer to the county court A magistrates ' court may transfer any public law case ( other than proceedings relating to emergency protection orders , contribution orders ( see Chapter 16 , 5 ) and certain appeals relating to privately fostered children ( see Chapter 18 , 6 ) , child minders and day care facilities ( see Chapter 19 ) ) to a county court care centre where it is in the child 's interests to do so because : ( i ) the case is exceptionally grave , important or complex ; ( ii ) it is appropriate for the case to be heard with other family proceedings pending in the county court ; or ( iii ) transfer is likely significantly to accelerate the determination of the proceedings ( APO , art 7 ) .
28 ( a ) Appointment The court has a positive duty to appoint a guardian ad litem in the following proceedings unless satisfied that this is not necessary in order to safeguard the child 's interests ( s41 ) : ( i ) application for a care or supervision order ; ( ii ) direction to investigate under s37 when an interim care order has been made or is under consideration ; ( iii ) application for discharge of a care order ; ( iv ) application for variation or discharge of a supervision order ; ( v ) application to extend a supervision order ; ( vi ) application to substitute a supervision order for a care order ; ( vii ) consideration of a residence order for a child in care ; ( viii ) application relating to contact with a child in care ; ( ix ) proceedings relating to emergency protection and child assessment orders ; ( x ) proceedings relating to secure accommodation orders ; ( xi ) application for leave to change the surname of a child in care ; ( xii ) application for leave to remove a child in care from the United Kingdom for a period exceeding one month ; ( xiii ) application for leave to permit the emigration of a child in care ; ( xiv ) appeal against the making or refusal to make , vary or discharge above orders .
29 There is a right of appeal in most public law proceedings under the Children Act except those relating to emergency protection orders .
30 Other proposals in the CBI 's programme include launching a code of prompt payment and examining court procedures relating to debt collection and increasing the influence of small firms in the work of the European Commission .
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