Example sentences of "[v-ing] a long [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The twelfth is notable : for the first time ( UX No 430 ) Sybase will be available on the ICL DRS6000 , ending a long and tense stand-offish relationship between it and ICL formerly wedded to the Ingres toolset , and Sybase , and joining rivals Oracle and Informix on the ICL Unix platform .
2 The twelfth is notable : for the first time , Sybase will be available on the ICL Plc DRS 6000 , ending a long and tense stand-offish relationship between it and an ICL formerly wedded to the Ingres tool set , and Sybase , and joining rivals Oracle and Informix on the ICL Unix system .
3 A few days later the Sunday People followed up with a similar theme in the Voice of the People column , ending a long and forceful editorial with an impassioned plea :
4 The rat-teeth missed her but caught her robe , slashing it open from hip to ankle , revealing a long and shapely leg .
5 ‘ It took a long time for me to get my Gold Award because some of the tasks were very difficult , ’ says Fiona of the demanding project that included months of community service , braving the elements on an exploratory camping trip and writing a long and detailed historical thesis !
6 Continuing a long and impassioned address , Mr Paisley said ‘ If the Roman Catholic Church flew the Union jack at their chapel I would have no objection , and when they wished to pull it down was their business and their property , but the City Hall was our property ’ .
7 There was this rather famous instance where he had to scrub the floor while Pamela and I were having a long and involved discussion , but I was told that people could n't take their eyes off him .
8 Throughout his days at Chelsea , Gallacher had been contesting a long and painful divorce case with his first wife .
9 By 1957 almost half a million French troops , mostly young draftees or reservists but with a substantial leavening of Foreign Legionnaires and other regulars , were fighting a long and brutal war in Algeria against the forces of an independence movement known as the Front de Libération Nationale ( FLN ) .
11 In the same year the Duke of Norfolk gave Creevey notice to quit Thetford , receiving a long but futile rebuke in return .
12 The countryman takes a great interest in the weather : he has to because his living is bound up with it ; and he observes it as closely as a scientist watching a long and intricate experiment .
13 Which opened wider , throwing a long and somehow bizarre shape of light across the alley , everything exaggerated and distorted including the elongated and backlit shadow moving out within its frame …
14 The latter became InterCity property in 1986 , following a long and complicated sequence of events which began near the end of 1983 with the enforced withdrawal of the SLOA Pullman set , following the discovery that the potentially dangerous blue asbestos coach body insulation had become exposed .
15 Following a long and hard season for its own loco 's Sydney and No. 24 the Broadland Line will be giving them a well earned rest for the next couple of weeks .
16 Bruce Walker , former manager of general publishing at Chapman & Hall before the company concentrated entirely on scientific books , and latter sales manager with Associated Book Publishers , died peacefully at the age of 83 at his home in Rutland on 30th November , following a long and valiant battle against lung cancer .
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