Example sentences of "[v-ing] well at the " in BNC.

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1 He recalls a game with Durham 20 years ago when Darlington , going well at the time , were 12–0 down without touching the ball .
2 ‘ Country properties were not selling well at the time .
3 Analysis of the moment-by-moment changes in performance over a ten-minute period has shown that while the sleep-deprived subject may be performing well at the beginning , all responses are slowed towards the end , as well as frank lapses occurring .
4 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
5 Dalziel grunted and thought that Jacko must be doing well at the moment to be in , for him , so light-hearted a mood .
6 Muhtarram , who finished fourth , looked to be travelling well at the three-furlong marker but had no answer to the first two when the pressure was applied .
7 A new oral drug has been selected for clinical trials which are progressing well at The Royal Marsden Hospital .
8 We were not playing well at the start and many of my players were tired after Great Britain 's tour in the summer .
9 I was living at home and working well at the Co-op in Hammersmith , dealing with ledger sales , counting the cash , keeping it flowing .
10 It 's a throw-in to David of Blackburn , down the right hand side , that one 's headed on by Stewart , the clearance from , is picked up by David who nipped in there ahead of and now here 's once more down the inside left channel , pushing it up towards the edge of the penalty area where holds it up well , they 're working well at the moment down that left hand side as gets it across , a snatched header comes in and it 's pushed behind by Chris for a corner kick , and we 're at the midway point of the second half , with Shrewsbury leading three two , Alan will describe it for you .
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