Example sentences of "[v-ing] him of [det] " in BNC.

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1 In Shylock 's trial against Antonio , having preached towards Shylock for mercy in line 180 ‘ The quality of mercy is not strained ’ , she promptly forgets to show any mercy towards Shylock , stripping him of all his wealth , possessions and even religion .
2 He should neither do damage to Mr. Jones , nor be slow in warning him of any impending danger ; fornication , marriage , gambling and the haunting of taverns or playhouses was strictly proscribed , and generally a monastic restraint was to be observed in all things .
3 Marcus was with him , his second sense acting as well as ever , warning him of any storm-troopers .
4 For , whatever else , she would not marry Havvie Blaine now , and she would lose no time in informing him of that fact .
5 Listening once to him on the Bench I recalled an occasion when the aged and formidable boys ' maid who looked after our rooms had stood with arms akimbo accusing him of some peccadillo , and ended her tirade : " Mr Phillimore , do n't you stand there lying like Ananias ! "
6 When Les Dawson was a guest on the show , we discovered that he and Ken had been at school together , and Les could not resist reminding him of those happy days : ‘ The school we went to was so poor , if you put your hand up they thought it was a hold up .
7 The guilt she felt in depriving him of any pleasure was like a stitch in her side , yet the thought of the long day and the long drive were beyond acceptance .
8 He thanked Mr Major for clearing him of any breach of ministerial rules .
9 As Poole ( 1978 , p. 43 ) observes , the local government administrator typically works ‘ as a subordinate of the specialist , relieving him of those tasks which have not called for specialist experience and qualifications ’ .
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