Example sentences of "[v-ing] him all the " in BNC.

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1 Instead , they got themselves into a thoroughly embarrassing mess , saying they accepted Gatting 's statement that nothing improper had taken place but sacking him all the same .
2 They wrangled interminably , he goading her into outbursts of anger just to watch her beauty at its best , she calling him all the names she could lay her tongue to .
3 And , by giving him all the best lines ( ‘ Yo , District Attorney 's Club , sucker ’ ) and using him sparingly , Mulcahy , and Silver allow Ice to hijack the three or four scenes in which he appears and walk away with the film single-handedly .
4 Having passed from the Mediterranean to the Indus without attracting the attention of a single government official , Battuta , like so many subsequent travellers , crossed the Indian frontier only to find himself caught up in an impenetrable web of bureaucracy : no sooner had they set foot on the east bank of the Indus than intelligence officials ‘ wrote to Delhi informing the king of our arrival and giving him all the details concerning us . ’
5 And his wife Maureen will be cheering him all the way .
6 Helping him all the time .
7 ‘ I 'm fighting him all the way , ’ she says .
8 With someone watching him all the time except when one of Them let the other out to fetch the papers .
9 He must have been crouched behind a bank of snow watching him all the time as he came struggling and panting up the long slope .
10 She nodded , watching him all the while with an unblinking gaze .
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