Example sentences of "[v-ing] them at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Padre , consulted as to the propriety of firing them at the enemy , had given his opinion that they could perfectly well be fired and that they , or any other such popish or Tractarian objects , would very likely wreak terrible havoc .
2 ‘ I shall be seeing them at the weekend . ’
3 The main duty of the foresters of fee was of course the safe keeping of vert and venison : the Forest rolls show them searching for , arresting and attaching offenders , and indicting them at the Forest Eyre .
4 Toucans collect them one at a time , throwing them up in the air and deftly catching them at the back of their throats .
5 Secondly , as the weights are derived from analysis of individuals there is a serious problem of applying them at the level of wards or districts where the information is readily available only in aggregate .
6 ‘ United have emerged as favourites now and that suits me fine , as long as we are up there challenging them at the end of the season .
7 Insert split rings along each tape , spacing them at an equal distance apart , at a distance to equal twice the depth of the bottom pelmet starting at lath channel .
8 Always close the doors at one end before opening them at the other , unless the wind is very light , and never leave both ends open in case a wind springs up later in the day .
9 He picked up the books one by one , opening them at the title page , watching every movement of her pen as she signed them and commenting on the brilliance of each individual plot .
10 ‘ There are people who are prepared to take advantage , selling trees under false pretences , valuing them at a lot more than they are worth .
11 Both men also received annuities of 1,000 marks , which went some considerable way towards endowing them at a level appropriate to their rank .
12 All in all , it is in no way surprising that Nietzsche should have put them to one side soon after writing them at the turn of the year .
13 Harvey was there in a red-coat uniform , smiling and doing his neat little dances and pretending to drop plates and saving them at the last minute , and the girls were saying ‘ Ooo ’ and slyly studying each other 's hairdos and shoes .
14 Replacing them at a familial level , the spice-box has taken its place , sometimes simple , sometimes ornate ; a witness to the fragrance of that Sabbath grace that lingers still .
15 Before this age parents can be given ideas about encouraging children to go to the lavatory before going to bed , and waking them at the parents ' bedtime so providing another chance to empty their bladder .
16 well if you think you might get some money at the end of the season , he said , you may find that you 'll be paying them at the end of the season !
17 In its case , however , the eye-spots are on the front wings and are exposed by suddenly spreading the folded wings and directing them at the attacker .
18 perhaps the Company 's lack of comment on its own future , which must increasingly have been worrying them at the turn of the century .
19 Woodway Park School , Coventry , is assembling kits for bio-reactors — special vessels in which bacteria can be put to work — and selling them at a profit to other schools across the country .
20 No sooner have the Doctor and Vicki gone than the erstwhile school teachers are captured by slave traders who intend selling them at the slave markets in Rome .
21 ‘ That 's what comes of feeding them at the table , ’ Michele remarked .
22 Assessments of the permissible level of incidental catch should be based on the desirability of returning dolphin stocks to original levels , not holding them at a depleted level through a continuation of a high level of incidental kill .
23 " Ed " endings are rare in catalogue searching and there is no point in removing them at the " weak " level .
24 And they 're not getting them at the moment .
25 You are going to be getting them at the end of the case in any event and why should you be kept out of them ?
26 They were laughing and talking and putting black square things to their faces , pointing them at the eagles , and clicking them .
27 Stephen Bayley , former director of the Design Museum , will chair a debate , taking questions from the floor ( many pre-wrapped ) and flinging them at a panel of designers , architects , patrons and critics , among them Peter Palumbo , chairman of the Arts Council , and Mies van der Rohe buff .
28 another paddle you can have instead of having them at the side and have one man and bursar
29 The volume of consumption should be adjusted by altering taxes and social insurance contributions , raising them to dampen down a boom and cutting them at the beginning of a depression .
30 While the Independent 's raising prices , Rupert Murdoch 's cutting them at the Sun and the Times .
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