Example sentences of "[v-ing] up of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A future investment activity not specifically relevant to the current context is the establishment , operation or winding up of collective investment schemes .
2 In the last few years these problems have also been intensified by the housing changes described in chapter 7 , namely the accelerated contraction of the private-rented sector , the winding up of New Town Development Corporations and other official overspill schemes , the cutback in Treasury funds for new public-sector house-building in general , and the sale of council houses to tenants with ‘ Right To Buy ’ discounts ( Brittan , 1986 ) .
3 V Winding up of unregistered companies
4 He also referred to section 229(2) in the group of sections concerned with the winding up of unregistered companies .
5 New pop was a post-modern form generally — in its cut-up of styles and media , its genre cross-references , its use of pastiche and parody , its dressing up of mass cultural forms with high cultural claims and vice versa .
6 States such as Italy with a preponderance of coalition government or with marked factional organization within political parties have seen the phenomenon of the parcelling up of different parts of the state administration among different parties or factions ( e.g. Donolo 1980 ) .
7 Glen Lyons , consultant trichologist at the Philip Kingsley Clinic , says : ‘ In the last five years I 've noticed a dramatic increase in the number of women suffering from hair and scalp conditions , particularly the speeding up of genetic hair loss .
8 In marine manufacturing one has the sense of a kind of using up of existing facilities and skills without much new investment , although the Tyne does have R and D capacity in this sector .
9 Although the using up of old stock may be one reason for this practice , watchcase-makers were probably also reluctant to use Britannia silver because it is a softer alloy than sterling .
10 This challenge to ‘ universalism ’ need not pose in its place a simple relativism or a mere piling up of empirical descriptions .
11 In general this piling up of biblical texts in the exposition of elementary notions and principles , with the biblical quotations buttressing each other up and introducing ideas foreign to the main theme , creates confusion in the minds of simple average souls who are the majority among good Christians ( Capovilla , 1978a , p. 546 ) .
12 There are a few signs of that fierce screwing up of feudal payments characteristic of the later stages of the ancien régime in France ; in Catalonia , for instance , a steady increase in the price of the farms of feudal dues overtook the rise in agricultural prices .
13 These writers have put ‘ football hooliganism ’ , and developments among working-class youth generally , into the broader context of the social history of Britain since 1945 — in which the breaking up of traditional working-class communities , industrial decline , rising unemployment and periodic panics about unruly youth have all been pre-eminent .
14 Other stunts included the breaking up of Labour party meetings and vandalizing a Daily Herald van by driving it into the railings of a London church .
15 The foundation , which has adopted the principles and guidelines of the German-based International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements , aims to provide assistance and education to private farmers , whose numbers are growing rapidly as a result of land reform and the breaking up of collective farms .
16 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the ‘ thirst for new land ’ , as in the past , resulted in the breaking up of marginal scrub for wheat .
17 The lucrative sugar-beet industry had led to the buying up of large tracts of land before the World War .
18 The growing gap between rich and poor and the splitting up of black families through racist immigration laws and practices , for instance , were criticised .
19 Despite this stirring up of architectural disorder into what one unkind French critic called a ‘ cultural Chernobyl ’ , the powers at Disney , led by its dashing chief executive Michael Eisner , have managed to persuade a handful of élite and influential American architects to participate .
20 Seen in this light , restoration is a kind of patching up of iconographical clothing , as valid for the grand vestments of the Old Masters as for the everyday wear of modern art .
21 This picture of the grudging but well-intentioned patching up of managerial differences is some way away from an ideal of quality control which relies on teamwork .
22 More subtle but equally important changes were the cleaning and straightening of water courses , the ploughing up of herb-rich grassland , and the construction of modern farm buildings , out of scale and out of character with the traditional landscape .
23 As was mentioned in Chapter 3 , the American decision to sell grain once more to the Soviet Union in 1977 wiped out the Soil Bank established in the 1970s and caused ploughing up of marginal land and a marked increase in erosion rates ( Cook 1983 ) .
24 The source of nitrate pollution is now undisputed : changes in agricultural practices , including the ploughing up of permanent pasture but , most importantly , the enormous growth in the use of artificial fertilisers .
25 Routine care consists of keeping weeds and pests under control , and the tidying up of superfluous foliage immediately the frost has cut it back in order to deprive aquatic insect pests of a winter refuge .
26 The nub of the meeting had been a lengthy discussion on the merits or otherwise of four-day cricket , while matters decided on were the 25-point penalty for producing inferior pitches , retained with wider definition to include over-grassed pitches ; overseas players ( counties may register up to two for next season only ) ; a return to 15-yard run-ups in the Sunday League ; and the making up of lost time in Tests to a maximum one hour .
27 The nub of the meeting had been a lengthy discussion on the merits or otherwise of four-day cricket , while matters decided on were the 25-point penalty for producing inferior pitches , retained with wider definition to include over-grassed pitches ; overseas players ( counties may register up to two for next season only ) ; a return to 15-yard run-ups in the Sunday League ; and the making up of lost time in Tests to a maximum one hour .
28 Through their series of public meetings and the springing up of local action groups , the campaign returned to each individual farmer and landowner the decision as to whether the companies could even prospect .
29 Enhancement of visitor facilities and setting up of major displays .
30 If evolution were the unfolding of a divine plan , then there was no need to assume that human progress would come about through the summing up of individual acts of selfishness .
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