Example sentences of "[v-ing] up on [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1907 it had been noted that nickelodeons were opening up on every American street and it was not hard to account for their success .
2 After a slower than expected march we were gearing up on the famous Green Ledge in bright sunshine — the Ennerdale mountains stretching away like the bony spine of a slumbering dragon .
3 Airacomet 44–22633 flew out of Edwards in the late 1940s , finally ending up on a target range along with some sister ‘ 59s .
4 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
5 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
6 We try to tackle the problem at all ends — to prevent young people ending up on the streets , to provide a roof over their heads , and to search for long-term solutions .
7 As a result , they feel themselves not only homeless but in a total existential crisis — ending up on the dossers circuit removes the last residues of respectability .
8 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
9 There is quite a history of individual countries backing a particular group , taking a particular line , and it all ending up on the battlefield .
10 For members of the nobility the struggles of Lancaster and York could have drastic results , particularly for those who incurred forfeiture through ending up on the losing side ; although attainders could be reversed and lands restored , this might take a long time ( 130 , Ch.5 ) .
11 So , you 'll be ending up on the breadline worse than ever
12 All the computers were cracking up on the factory floor this morning . ’
13 Winding up on a voluntary basis
14 He 'd think nothing of checking up on a fellow 's credentials .
15 Having been made to look stupid , he let us go without even checking up on the tax or the tyre .
16 Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a white butterfly — but it was the white pattern on the tail of an adult , checking up on the brood .
17 He was here checking up on the search for Terry Place .
18 It 's debatable whether PGA is the best golf game , but it 's certainly the easiest to get into without the fuss of reading pages of instructions and swatting up on the physics of the humble golf ball .
19 LHX lacks instant appeal and involves swotting up on the options available .
20 This in turn means swotting up on the subject , going on fact-finding missions and meeting politicians and organisers .
21 This is when the serious business begins … swotting up on the opposition for the 1992 University Boat Race .
22 ‘ From my point of view it was like a child climbing up on a wall to look in but she rushed back and said : ‘ No , I ca n't do it , ’ and started crying in my arms .
23 He had heard that the Feds at Lockerbie had been good as gold , working at the pace required , picking up on every small detail provided by the forensic team at Farnborough , where the 747 had been reconstructed .
24 Just picking up on an item on page fourteen about the externalization programme that obviously is going straight through the process er and should be resolved in the next week or so .
25 How is he to measure it against ‘ Look before you leap ’ , ‘ Care for your parents ’ , and such other imperatives as he has been picking up on the way ?
26 What made things particularly difficult was that I felt I was n't Black enough for my Black colleagues and that white workers picking up on the division used this to their advantage by divide-and-rule tactics .
27 Carolyn was picking up on the movements of the three women , which had seemed so mysteriously random at first .
28 Picking up on the head maltster 's request for co-operation in Audience , Pryce-Jones wrote , ‘ Will Ferdinand help , and kindly inform on himself ?
29 How , picking up on the terms you use Professor Lock , how would the policy guarantee that what this elephant was special ?
30 The third one is the , this book is pushing down on the table and the table is pushing up on the book .
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