Example sentences of "[v-ing] most [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This sometimes means eliminating most of the original actors , and stretching down the hierarchy or even outside to discover a new chief who was not part of the original team .
2 We know the Germans are contributing most of the money . ’
3 Scotswood Road and the Armstrong Vickers factory used to be one of the busiest places in Newcastle , ( it even earned a mention in one of the best known Geordie songs — hence the programme 's title ) with the factory employing most of the residents .
4 We have shown that TCR -β rearrangement or , more likely , expression of a functionally rearranged TCR -β gene , is not only necessary but also sufficient for driving most of the immature IL-2R-positive DN thymocytes to the DP stage and for expanding the pool of thymocytes .
5 By now I 'm mostly tired , I was driving most of the night .
6 But the programme was keeping most of the ‘ striptease ’ that forms the title sequence .
7 Well I 'm a housewife and I 've been painting most of the morning .
8 In March and early April , the closing weeks of the dry season , the forces of Cambodia 's Phnom Penh-based government launched a series of successful offensives using tanks and heavy artillery , reportedly recapturing most of the 3,240 sq km of territory in western Cambodia hitherto held by guerrilla forces of the tripartite coalition government-in-exile .
9 From Llewellyn-Jones ' ( 1981a , b ) findings , there must be a question as to whether BSL interpreting is actually occurring most of the time .
10 After trimming most of the meat away , the bones will make marvellous stock or soup .
11 A thick sea mist had rolled in , obscuring most of the priory buildings .
12 Rose Cottage did not have a garage , but it had a parking space formed by sacrificing most of the front garden .
13 While tearing out the old central heating and installing new , they had daringly put in new patio windows looking on to the rear garden ( where they had done away with mouldy flowerbeds full of Michaelmas daisies and had built a tiled area complete with ornamental pool and a lion 's head which dripped water into the pool ) , as well as redecorating most of the house in a lighter , more ‘ eighties ’ , way .
14 Rather , I settle for a balanced , rounded style of dressing most of the time , more Dougie Heywood than Tommy Nutter .
15 With jetlag causing most of the tourists to complain of two sleepless nights since landing on the sub-continent , Gooch 's manager and mentor Keith Fletcher was quick to offer an excuse .
16 The Council , in sum , is seeking most of the tools it needs to relaunch itself as an active , respected self-regulator .
17 The Council , in sum , is seeking most of the tools it needs to relaunch itself as an active , respected self-regulator .
18 We were n't , I now realise by doing the sums , badly off My father paid the rent , all the bills , gave us our pocket money , and a fixed sum of f7 a week housekeeping money quite a lot in the late 1950s — went on being handed over every Friday until his death , even when estrangement was obvious , and he was living most of the time with someone else .
19 Now , the government has shifted the focus of curriculum planning from availability ( the options system ) to entitlement , and has unwittingly ensured ( by filling most of the time available with the statutory curriculum ) that the dimensions , skills and themes of this entitlement can be met most easily inside the foundation subjects , and not outside them .
20 The celestial Unicorn is a fairly large but faint constellation , filling most of the large triangle outlined by Betelgeux , Sirius and Procyon ; it is crossed by the equator .
21 Shortly after Hanson completed the ConsGold takeover , £368million was raised by selling most of the British company 's GFSA stake .
22 The decision , part of budget cutbacks , replaced a previous plan to leave 1,100 troops in Europe while withdrawing most of the 6,600 currently stationed there .
23 Streamers of smoke and ash streaked the night sky , obliterating most of the stars , though one of Karkason 's egg-shaped moons shone through , reproducing its image some way off in the shiny lava as an illusory silver pool , a distorted cool medallion .
24 It does n't matter how wet you may be , or how much lube you use , by the time you get going most of the moisture has gone .
25 In 1980 , the catch exceeded 54,000 animals , but in 1981 fell to about 10,000 , with harbour porpoises rather than dolphins comprising most of the catch .
26 Away from the species-rich machair , the present-day flora and vegetation are species-poor , with only about 25 phanerogam species comprising most of the vegetation of bog , moorland , and loch .
27 What happened in Kent and Sussex can obscure the central fact of the reign , namely , that Mercia had changed from ‘ a confederation of peoples under Mercian overlordship to a vast kingdom comprising most of the English areas between the Thames and the Humber ’ .
28 I was allowed to do one concert after being kept waiting most of the day by the Russians .
29 At the school parents were waiting most of the afternoon to find out when the children could be brought home .
30 Insurance companies do end up paying most of the punitive damages in the United States , but not because they have sold punitive-damages insurance to businesses .
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