Example sentences of "[v-ing] out at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Cream cakes … with all the cream oozing out at the sides .
2 It is a full-length portrait showing the young queen very formally dressed , in a stiff conventional pose , looking out at the spectator .
3 Here she was , without Simon , sitting peacefully looking out at the view .
4 Instead , she went to the window and stood looking out at the vast starry sky .
5 I sat for an hour in my roomette looking out at the unvarying scenery and trying to imagine anything else that Filmer might have paid to have done .
6 Sammy stood on the mat shaking his fur by the open door and looking out at the sheets of rain that were now whipping across the graveyard .
7 Smoking on a train journey , looking out at the countryside whizzing by .
8 He set the little green alien on his shoulder and leaned on the console , looking out at the Perks .
9 Now I find I 'm getting " inspired top-off-the-brain " signals and ideas while travelling in an aeroplane — at the window and looking out at the snowy cotton-wool cloud land ( no artificial stimulants ! ) .
10 The next day , some well-planted flowers and a nippy little spider that jumped quite considerable chasms to get to where it wanted to go showed me that juice was still to be had for Life and , quite soon after , I found bits of myself on a train looking out at the curious modern mixture of silver birch trees growing on slag heaps .
11 She glanced at her daughter as she reached for the silver letter-knife ; Senga was standing before the French doors , looking out at the snow-piled garden .
12 As I sat in the mouth of the cave looking out at the change in the weather , I wondered how a man in the Old Stone Age must have felt , staring out at the rain , knowing that if it did n't let up soon he 'd have to go out in it and knock a mammoth on the head for tea .
13 Hazel , however , returned and sat pensive at the lip of the hole , looking out at the silent , rippling veils of rain that drifted across and across the little valley between the two copses .
14 But now , looking out at the gusty darkening waste , she did remember .
15 I 'm looking out at the moodily lit bathroom and wondering what I would do if I suddenly saw William appear out there , flight bags in hand , a Surprise , honey , I 'm home ! look on his face .
16 My first memory is of sitting on a gravestone in that churchyard one cold , grey , December afternoon , looking out at the dark , flat , wild marshes divided by the black line of the River Thames , and listening to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance .
17 He looked round at her , standing beside him in the corridor bar looking out at the stupid countryside .
18 ‘ All right , keep it down , ’ he said , raising his voice , looking out at the twenty or so uniformed and plain clothes men seated in the room .
19 One of the crewmen of the small boat stood looking out at the city all around him , smoking a cigarette and gazing at the myriad lights .
20 His wife is standing at the window , looking out at the rain .
21 I 'm sitting looking out at the darkness and the sea .
22 The kitchen opened into a very pleasant sitting-room , which had a door leading to a little dairy on the right and then to the stairs which had a half landing with a tiny window looking out at the back .
23 One night in London , nearly a year later , a servant girl was sitting at her bedroom window , looking out at the moonlit street .
24 I called in on Ruth at lunchtime today and found her sitting up in her wheelchair looking out at the garden and seeming much better and as bright as usual — a nice nurse in attendance .
25 ‘ It 's good that they can come here , ’ he murmured , looking out at the lively group .
26 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
27 No other words were needed and he stood , walking to the window and looking out at the courtyard that was bathed in sunlight .
28 I missed my dad more than ever as I went into the house , ahead of the others , and climbed the drab stairs to lie on my bed , looking out at the bright blue sky above the street .
29 A middle-aged woman , wearing what looked like a turban , was looking out at the night .
30 Or — and this thought only occurred to me when I was out on the street and running for the hill as fast as I could — as if there was something else behind his eyes , looking out at the world , waiting for the awful moment when it would start to take apart our little corner of the planet , piece by shabby piece .
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