Example sentences of "[v-ing] get [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was not alone in wanting to get private investment into public-sector industries .
2 It becomes so expensive erm and if we are going to get new facilities erm we ca n't just keep upgrading what we 've got now , we have to build new .
3 Well in effect it says that how that it 's now the Party is sanctionalizing absolute egalitarianism , the aim that landlords , K M T officers , everyone 's going to get equal distribution of land .
4 ‘ We 're never going to get financial help in Britain . ’
5 But , then , you 're going to get extra pay for it . ’
6 There will always be books which are worth launching with a party because you are going to get wide coverage , but the half-page ad in Cosmo on your own is n't worth half as much as an advertorial that is tied in with a bookshop group .
7 After a period of some confusion it seems that Carvin gear is going to get proper distribution in the UK .
8 We 're not going to get big bills .
9 Brett howls ‘ He 's my insatiable one ’ like a man who 's going to get wicked pleasure from baffling passing milkmen , and it 's all rather lurid and glamorous and hilarious and marginally affected and hugely , wildly effective .
10 Outside of a real news event of national importance ( and your clients are unlikely ever to have such announcements ) you are probably not going to get national TV coverage during most of your working year .
11 Every now and again you 're going to get exceptional circumstances and these things happen once in a while .
12 ‘ If we are going to get reliable evidence from children and make our own evaluation of what they are saying then it is absolutely essential the stories are not contaminated by those who are being accused with the responsibility for harm or neglect . ’
13 Back at hospital we were beginning to get civilian casualties , as well as soldiers from Dunkirk .
14 When Maurice was beginning to get restless Wycliffe said : ‘ Have you ever been over Alfred 's rooms above the shop ? ’
15 By then , however , Norway , with the weakest and least industrialised economy of the three major states , was beginning to get cold feet and insisted upon appending a minority report saying that it could not , given its current economic situation , contemplate joining a customs union .
16 We are following the commitment that we gave in 1973 to ever closer union , so why are we now beginning to get cold feet ?
17 The working was booked to stop at Colwyn Bay , Llandudno Junction and Llandudno , and worked from block to block until Muspratt 's Sidings when it took the Down Fast line and having got clear signals , proceeded to try to make up time .
18 I was starting to get triple vision and wondering how you did that with only two eyes .
19 Although it was a fairly reliable piece of kit , the radar sometimes needed tweaking to get maximum signal returns .
20 Choosing to get pregnant means letting go of control .
21 That Ronchey 's move has been made now is due not only to the changed political climate , but also to the fact that the Minister is not a career politician like his recent , ineffective predecessors , but an independent , educated man ( he was a distinguished political journalist before being invited to join the government ) , who instead of getting tied up in his Ministry 's bureaucratic shibboleths , has collected an enlightened group of advisors around him , including the independent scholar Federico Zeri , who enjoys star status in Italy , and Mirella Baracco , the energetic founder of the private ginger group , Napoli 99 , which is managing to get long-closed monuments and churches in that city open to the public .
22 Mr Hamer said existing slaughterhouses were struggling to get sufficient lambs to keep existing plant operating at full capacity and that the Fortex development would be a case of job re-allocation rather than job creation .
23 But now they are closing them we 've got so many good teachers out of work where ten years ago we were fighting to get good teachers and smaller classes but now you see , we 've got smaller classes
24 It is rewarding to get positive feedback and comments from these people who find the sales centre a pleasant place to visit .
25 When I 've been down there trying to get casual work , you know in Leith docks ?
26 We are trying to get Salvadorean women to start asking questions about the role society has traditionally assigned then , .
27 Erm , there are a number of issues , there are three separate issues there 's the C A B issue , which I remember for years trying to get additional staff funded in the North Wiltshire C A B from from this council and we could n't afford it then and we ca n't afford it now .
28 Things started working out a bit better , but towards the end of ‘ 85 everything started getting too much ; the pressures , trying to pay my bills and trying to get extra money in .
29 There 's also a shot of doomy love interest ( Keaton trying to get fellow addict Katy Baker off ) and dopey oedipal sparring ( Keaton trying to get counsellor M Emmet Walsh on ) , but in the end any attempt at getting a fix on using as a way of life is elbowed puritanically aside .
30 I try and make women 's history clearer , because obviously they 've done history A level so they 've probably learnt about wars and all the male sort of things , so what women were doing and thinking and the way in which that has been suppressed ; as much as possible I like to teach by not putting very much of what I think across but trying to get other people to produce it … also encouraging them to share as an experience and personal responses and talking about things one would n't normally talk about in the department , the emotional side of things , in quotes ‘ irrational ’ , ‘ intuitive ’ and all of that , and valuing that … try and make it a space where people can say whatever they want to say ; I suppose value things that would not be valued elsewhere .
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