Example sentences of "[v-ing] go of [art] " in BNC.

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1 These actions can all be part of letting go of a painful stage of life , and will help the children and family remember happy times which may otherwise be forgotten .
2 You have a reputation of not letting go of a thing once you have started and you would be delighted to discover that I am responsible for Ana 's blindness .
3 No she 's er she 's so she 's so keen at not letting go of a discussion she comes back , she 's like a terrier !
4 Nor is she too bothered any more about letting go of the occasional secret .
5 Letting go of the masonry she dived under water and swam beneath the pole , emerging on its far side .
6 The humour of letting go of the wheelbarrow while clapping , and of trying to stamp one foot while walking , without injury to the other , dulled the pain .
7 So , if you are being pulled over , rather than letting go of the boom completely and having to raise the rig again , you can save a lot of time and energy by letting out the back hand until you have regained your composure .
9 This is strictly speaking an impossibility , in that it is impossible to do and have what we recognise as a knot without at some point letting go of the rope .
10 Picking the note and then letting go of the arm allows the note to rise in pitch , giving that requisite smooth gliss into the note .
11 I am letting go of the past , and reaching for the future .
12 She discovered that she was afraid of getting close , afraid of being betrayed , afraid of finding that a relationship did not solve all her problems , afraid of feeling trapped , afraid of ‘ disappearing ’ as a person , afraid of admitting that men were not all bad , afraid of losing her friends , afraid of having no more goals in life , afraid of giving up her unhappiness , afraid he might die , afraid of feeling dependent , afraid of sexual intimacy , afraid of letting go of the past , afraid that reality would not match up to the glorious fantasy … .
13 The ‘ shape-changing ’ can also be achieved through letting go of the normal ways of keeping up appearances .
14 ‘ No , no , I need no help at all — I can manage on my own , ’ he grunted , short of breath , letting go of the chair .
15 Learn from the Family Fellowship to allow your own sanity to redevelop by letting go of the self imposed stranglehold of trying to be a caretaker for some-one else .
16 Still young Mafouz showed no sign of letting go of the ball .
17 I staggered back , partly to make it look good on the off chance there was somebody watching and partly because letting go of the winch had put me off balance .
18 Remember to stop and make sure you are well balanced before letting go of the zimmer frame .
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