Example sentences of "[v-ing] a large [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The author does a sterling job in painstakingly assembling a large corpus of evidence from a vast variety of sources , taking us through a welter of contemporary descriptions and extrapolating what are almost invariably convincing conclusions from the visual evidence .
2 More touching was the sad list of names in Sasbach churchyard , each of them representing a large loss in a small community .
3 By contrast , industrial unions cover all workers within a particular industry and general unions are completely inclusive in terms of their recruitment , representing a large number of different industries and occupations .
4 This document read as follows : That we , as representing a large number of the women compositors of Edinburgh , feel that a question affecting a considerable body of women should not be settled without these women having an opportunity of giving expression to their views .
5 The graph also gives an economical means of representing a large amount of information in an implicit and flexible format , and provides a record of the input information should further checking become necessary at a later stage .
6 The modern western city remains the centre of many activities of society , but was seen as representing a large planning problem from the early 1960s .
7 He also offended cost-conscious UN bureaucrats by purchasing a large mansion in Windhoek ; a spokesman in New York described it as showing a ‘ lack of judgement ’ .
8 Captain Ken Emmott , speaking of G-BJHS 's future said that ‘ the aircraft will have to be moved from its present base at Southampton , where the conditions are not really conducive to keeping a large flying-boat in good condition ’ .
9 Back in the Rathausplatz a seven-piece jazz band of students dressed up in 1920s ' costume was keeping a large crowd entertained .
10 But when Patrick found him scoffing a large tea in the Royalbion marquee that was not the reason for his jubilation .
11 Health and safety also applies on our roads and bearing in mind , we may be acquiring a large transport section , we should be seen to take an interest in not only our members ' safety , but the safety of others as well .
12 It is worth noting that imaginative use of unsophisticated technology ( as discussed in Chapter 7 ) can aid this part of an investigation , enabling a large volume of activities that may be undertaken by specified functional groups to be readily summarised .
13 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
14 Caesar 's forces , after defeating a large force of British , advanced to the Medway .
15 The whole Robertsbridge undertaking was indeed a highly diversified one incorporating a large farm that sold corn and beer to the workmen , and hides to tanners and glovers .
16 By dipping the STM needle in a drop of organic molecules on a piece of graphite , and then briefly applying a large voltage to the tip , Dr John Foster and colleagues at IBM 's research laboratories in San Jose , California , have shown how to fix a single molecule at a specific point on the graphite .
17 By briefly touching the metal tip on a germanium crystal , moving the tip to another part of the crystal and then applying a large voltage , they placed a single germanium atom at the new spot .
18 Unsurprisingly , in the face of this evidence caution has been expressed : ‘ Promoting a large counselling service in general practice before establishing what benefits accrue from this service is unwise . ’
19 Once upon a time , she had been able to withstand Florentine summers better than any English woman she knew but of late they had begun to tire her , to make her feel that in everything she did she was pushing a large boulder up a hill .
20 The pressures of rising rent and the problem of filling a large shop with goods of high quality were the final straws .
21 His retirement made Rawlings constitutionally eligible to stand for election , and on Sept. 19 , while addressing a large rally in Cape Coast , he announced that he had accepted an invitation by the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) to stand as the party 's candidate in the presidential elections scheduled for November 1992 .
22 A large blonde girl waved at me from across the room , spilling a large part of her drink down the back of another woman 's dress at the same time .
23 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
24 So it 's a good idea to buy domestic water-treatment devices only from reputable suppliers : to find out more , write to the BEWA Booklet Service , 73 Swinburne Road , London SW15 5EQ , enclosing a large sae .
25 For further information about sciatica , write to the National Back Pain Association , 31–33 Park Road , Teddington , Middlesex TW11 0AB , enclosing a large sae and £1 to cover costs .
26 For further information , help and advice write to Down 's Syndrome Association , 155 , Mitcham Road , Tooting , London SW17 9PG enclosing a large sae .
27 Write to the cystic Fibrosis Research Trust , Alexandra House , 5 Blyth Road , Bromley , Kent BR1 3RS , enclosing a large sae .
28 If you have a problem , please write to Sue Frost at this address : WOMAN , ADMAIL 13 , London , SE1 9XA enclosing a large sae .
29 One fertility clinic serving a large part of the midwest of the Netherlands .
30 The veterinary surgery was a busy one , serving a large catchment area , and at least Robbie 's days were full .
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