Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 She stared at the creature twisting and wriggling in the glass .
2 She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her , twisting and turning in a sparkling , spinning column .
3 They dragged her by her arms as she shouted , twisting and turning in their grasp .
4 And now the children also saw the long thin slimy yellow-bellied lizard-like creature twisting and turning in the glass , and they squirmed and jumped about as well , shouting , ‘ What is it ?
5 A few early lapwings were on territory , twisting and turning in frantic display , and little doubt the local crows had already noted the fact for future reference .
6 Once Richards had to dive out of the way as Tribe , twisting and stretching in his straps lurched across the formation .
7 It was noted however and then the theory was that perhaps you had stumbled when you were out walking and fallen in the river .
8 He had a vision of the people of the country , walking and walking in endless droves , like pilgrims , across a battlefield shaken by the explosions of guns ; and as the smoke blew into their eyes , the people turned , desperate to see their homes again , but behind them a great dark channel had opened , with torn precipitous sides , and there was no way back …
9 We enjoyed walking and playing in the surrounding countryside .
10 The hierarchy of facilities provided for walking and cycling in Buxtehude is thus extensive as Figure 6.20 shows , ranging from pedestrianised areas , pedestrian priority routes , shared tracks for walking and cycling , cycle lanes along main routes , cycle priority streets and cycle lanes in roads .
11 Once the baby is born , bouts of anger , sulking and withdrawing in the early stages of parenthood suggest that the identification continues ; men can sometimes be as post-natally depressed as their partners .
12 It was a deafening chorus of human agony ; a shrieking cacophony of men and women 's voices , dozens — perhaps hundreds of them — all wailing and shrieking in mortal torment .
13 Mary tottered up on her perch from side to side but nothing wiped the mild , sweet benignity from her doll 's face as she dropped the dew of her mercy down from heaven on the mortal exiles below wailing and weeping in the vale of tears .
14 All round the coast fishing provided the chief by-employment , outranking both clothing and tinning in the south-eastern quarter of the county .
15 For the average mixed adult class , where understanding and responding in basic linguistic situations is likely to be a primary aim , they provide a realistic stimulus for oral and aural activities .
16 In the religious paraphernalia and artwork of their culture , we see a religion half formed , with elusive nature spirits appearing and disappearing in all kinds of manifestations , now taking on the status of a fully-fledged deity , now evaporating into an atavistic mist .
17 It circled me now , yowling and screaming in a noxious way .
18 She had slept badly , tossing and turning in the heat though the room had been cool enough .
19 The conclusion kept her tossing and turning in despair for hours , the sound of traffic in the High Street a poor substitute for the lulling boom of the sea round Gullholm .
20 I was astonished , and a little dismayed , by the ease with which Dana entered into the spirit of things , giving Indian war-whoops and clowning and laughing in a way I thought was rather contemptible .
21 Second , that having worked hard in the acting profession all my life , the last thing I would enjoy was working the clock round every summer when I could be sunbathing and swimming in Bala Lake .
22 The puddings are unpacked in the morning , driven over to the hospital kitchens for steaming and collected in time for dinner .
23 For my three children , walking , toddling and cycling in the park has become a much more pleasant experience .
24 ‘ Dreadfully sorry , old chap ! ’ the Commander had said when he first heard , Lis voice wheezing and whistling in his throat .
25 In other corners and other rooms , dozens of other topics floated gaily on the lively , slightly choppy waters , their pennants bobbing and fluttering in the end-of-year , the terminal breeze : the approaching steel strike , the brave new era of threatened privatization , the abuse of North Sea oil resources , the situation in Afghanistan , the Annan report , the prospect of a fourth television channel , the viability of Charles 's attempt to conquer the United States , the Cambridge Apostles , the disarray of the Labour Party , the deplorable vogue for Buck 's Fizz as a party drink , the Yorkshire Ripper , the Harrow Road murderer , the Prince of Wales .
26 Lieutenant Shepard Chisango died in police custody in 1991 , after gathering evidence of army poaching and smuggling in Mozambique .
27 All three aunts are fast asleep , snoring and dreaming in unison .
28 Her eyes still fixed on his , her breath shuddering and jerking in her parted mouth , she completed the task .
29 It had poured with rain ; a total cloudburst , thunder cracking and grumbling in the skies above the city .
30 They must have been singing for , though Sharpe could hear nothing , he could see their mouths opening and closing in unison .
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