Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun] some " in BNC.

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1 If ( 15 ) and ( 17 ) provide only weak and uncertain support for the " emphasis " solution , the cases in ( 18 ) count as very strong evidence against it ; in ( 18 ) no amount of determination to treat the adjectives as emphatic permits them to become postnominal : ( 18 ) a child intelligent could do that in five minutes the juggler skilful wanted a pay raise cranes squeaky were soon unloading the cargo Some further explanation is therefore clearly needed .
2 It would surely have been impossible for anyone to stay morose when surrounded by all these excited , giggling children , and frankly , seeing the problems some of the handicapped youngsters had to contend with had made her horribly ashamed of her own self-absorption .
3 I could weep with frustration when I go around seeing the conditions some of our people work in , the pittance they have paid , young people hung around on street corners with no job and no real training .
4 Mention is made of how in the viewing of the mountains " … it is to be seen how the very naturall working of those flood falling from the height in winter stormes have broken down & worn such rifts & slitts in the rocks as hereby the dead leaders or mettall finnes or vaine have appeared unto us above ground which before were hid by the earth & stones formerly covring the rocks some 2 or 3 fathomes deep … "
5 The trade unions were particularly effective at publicising the difficulties some private contractors encountered in fulfilling the contracts they had accepted ( Ascher 1987:224 ) .
6 There is now widespread evidence that the transport infrastructure can not keep pace with growth , and the Confederation of British Industry argues that traffic congestion is now costing the country some £15bn a year .
7 The broad definition of a ‘ base ’ contained in such statements left open the possibility that a settlement of the Afghan conflict along Soviet lines would involve not only the retention of Soviet military advisers but a Soviet-DRA agreement on granting the USSR some form of military base rights in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from that country .
8 ‘ What about buying the kids some clothes ? ’
9 It was early evening and Kee was giving the chickens some food as the sun went down .
10 And I suggest that you try the effect of giving the boy some support and encouragement .
11 I had no experience of teaching art to anyone , but the headmaster assured me that it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it .
12 Back in the surgery Sophie found Joanna giving the squirrel some milk and saw to her relief that he had not tried to pull off the dressing .
13 The box is screened so you ca n't see into it , giving the bird some privacy .
14 The case of the Granada is different as it is being used in the business exclusively and giving the business some benefit .
15 Such an open-ended commitment to a government that most Unionists regarded with contempt could hardly last for long : Law found it convenient to make use of the Unionist Business Committee , constituted in January 1915 as an official opposition group , and he suggested Walter Long as its chairman , so harnessing Long 's vindictive powers and giving the party some means of influencing the government without breaking the party truce .
16 The prospects for a rally in the shares now depends on a bid for the whole MTM operation , giving the shares some added value and stopping the downward trend .
17 Since joining the Board some years ago , the Labour representative has attended only one Board Meeting and rarely apologises .
18 Allen himself has admitted in the past : ‘ Mia has a talent for mothering the way some people have green fingers for gardening . ’
19 Immediately afterwards the artist Paolo De Poli , with the help of pupils from the Selvatico high school , began collecting the fragments some only two or three inches across which were then stored in a large number of boxes .
20 But before taking the action some members will begin a vigil in Cardiff this afternoon to give the Welsh Language Education Committee ( PDAG ) one last chance not to co-operate with what they claim are the Government 's education ‘ quangos . ’
21 We had just finished finding the wife some dry clothes when there was an explosion downstairs .
22 He would come when he would come , and the Tabula Rasa would have to bide its time , though the longer he was away the more the likelihood grew of one of their number voicing the suspicion some of them surely nurtured : that Godolphin 's dealings in talismans and wantons were only the tip of the iceberg .
23 Arsenical copper could never have been easy to make or work with ; during smelting , clouds of poisonous arsenious oxide are produced and in re-melting the alloy some of the arsenic may be lost .
24 Lowell had no recollection of leaving the house some while later and getting into the van .
25 ‘ It is extraordinary how many producers have no measure of the physical and financial performances of their own flocks , or those achieved by others operating under similar conditions , ’ said Mr Morgan , who operated one of three computer terminals used to give farmers visiting the show some ideas to improve efficiency and profit .
26 The director may be trying to demonstrate the situation as it was then , but in not offering the viewer some entree into the little we see of the Black peoples interaction with each other , she colludes with it .
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