Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Morrow laughed , bringing on another attack of smoker 's cough .
2 In the quiet of night I lie in bed and hear the rattle of stones tumbling down this cliff , as , far below , the North American tectonic plate strains against the Gorda plate to its north and the Pacific plate to its west .
3 You are more independent , you 're contributing , not only helping and doing in the home but you 're bringing in some money as well .
4 Yet the attempt has to be made , because bringing in more tax is the centrepiece of the government 's plan for saving the economy .
5 Is n't it time that Silver sorted things out and got us some money to buy players even if it means bringing in another board member .
6 The sister who 'd protested and overruled her by bringing in another doctor to relieve Brückner 's suffering .
7 Karen never let me forget that everything we owned was originally hers and hers alone , and that I had not only contributed nothing to our joint capital but was n't bringing in any income either .
8 In view of this , I ca n't see the coroner bringing in any verdict of unlawful killing .
9 So I was laid out in the back of the van on the bed and he 's driving down this field to put the tent , because it had little er bits you know where it 's marked out for you to camp , and I 'm driving around in the back saying , yes you 've , you 've just missed the fence there and you know .
10 Last night driving down this bit , it 's terrible !
11 They ai n't you wan na be careful when you 're walking down that park it 's
12 It was 11.00 p.m. at night when the victim , in her early 30s , was walking down this alleyway off Barton Street in Tewkesbury .
13 Such considerations were probably crucial before initiation ritual developed to deal with the conflicts between sons and fathers ; but even after such conflicts had become institutionalized and ritualized neoteny had an important role to play in postponing the age of initiation by opening up that gap in human psycho-sexual development which Freud called the latency period and which , as we shall see , is an important factor in considering the social and mental health of modern societies .
14 Perhaps the key figure in opening up that debate , and reviving the issue of the franchise , was John Bright , at least before Gladstone 's conversion to the cause .
15 Kemp has performed a valuable service in opening up this area .
16 The benefits of this route could be substantial : about half of the Currie High roll comes from the Baberton and Juniper Green area , and when I carried out a survey , among parents , of travel to the school from these areas last year , a substantial number of families were in favour of opening up this path .
17 It will be gearing up this year , but is unlikely to repeat the 1991 rights issue .
18 Brian Anderson , the Quakers ' club secretary , added : ‘ It 's awful to hear of a young fan ending up this way .
19 Provided a mains transformer has a single primary winding there should be no difficulty in wiring up this section of the supply .
20 On the night I turned up in my red leotard and dippy skirt with a heavier than usual coat of paint on , to find , to my horror , that Cleo Roccas of Kenny Everett fame and a young lady much featured on Page 3 , called Gilly , I think , were already up on the stage , surrounded by a sixty-strong swarm of Street of Shame photographers , all climbing up each other 's anoraks and screaming ‘ Lean forward , Cleo — a bit further , give us a smile , lick your lips , Gilly — lovely , lovely — hitch that skirt up a bit … ’
21 I have no intention of checking out any time this week or within the foreseeable future . ’
22 I think that er we are probably some years of and therefore whilst we make indulge our service in the next few moments it each other er we are eventually and then perhaps going through a convenient route er and thrashing out some sort of profit margin .
23 Deputy hooker Ian Jeffery drafted in at blindside flanker typified the courageous tackling of the home team to avert a glut of scores by the visitors the County pack plying back enough possession to win a dozen games .
24 Conditions in Scotland were far worse and with Argyll now securely holding the Forth , ruling out any hope of a fresh advance southwards , many of Mar 's Highlanders simply went home .
25 Attention will mainly be directed to the towering mass of Middleton Fell on the west side of the valley , very steep slopes ruling out any thought of ascent ; Barbon High Fell , rising on the east , is also uninviting although easier of access .
26 Andreas Papandreou , leader of the socialists ( Pasok ) and former prime minister , is unlikely to win the support he would need — ruling out any course other than immediate elections .
27 Apparently ruling out any form of legislative veto for minority groups ( a point on which the government side had long insisted ) , the document was nevertheless seen as containing a notable concession in its acceptance of a bicameral parliamentary system .
28 Among the innovations is a medical mass spectrometer , which will analyse the gases breathed and exhaled by patients , virtually ruling out any risk of brain damage under anaesthetic due to equipment failure or human error .
29 These groups refused to be specific as regards how far they would go in their opposition but , as Peter Shanley of the MEG told Today Tonight ‘ We 're not ruling out any action whatsoever ’ .
30 Then Ruddock told me : ‘ Do you really think that after facing Tyson twice , knocking out former world champions Mike Dokes , Page and Bonecrusher Smith I 'm really gon na be frightened of Lennox Lewis ? ’
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