Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] down to " in BNC.

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1 Edward had watched over her for hours , even refusing to go down to the lock with his friends for days , though he loved to play there .
2 He shivered , wanting to go down to her , to stroke her and hold her and thank her , but what he wanted was n't somehow right .
3 When you 're passing by and going to go down to .
4 We 're going to go down to the travel agents
5 Jenny poured forth a stream of ‘ brilliants ’ ’ and said she was going to drive down to Harwich that evening .
6 I 'm going to walk down to the hotel on the other side of the bay and see if they 've got any rooms free — ’
7 We are spending now , if this budget is accepted , a mere eleven percent of the standard spending assessment levels which means that in time we are going to get down to where the government is going to demand that we .
8 If you kind of drop down behind the blue if you use the blue first and the bat 's up there you got ta go sort of near to it to get behind you 're going to rush down to your hoop .
9 It 's going to boil down to keeping your pecker up , looking on the best side of things .
10 Erm I think this whole issue is going to boil down to the your assumptions on migration .
11 So great is the traffic between those striving to clamber down to the sea and those who , having spawned , are attempting to get back again , that many can not reach the water .
12 I remember my father used to say that even those experiences that take us out of ourselves — the ‘ mountain-top ’ experiences — can never keep us from having to come down to the valley of ordinary existence .
13 Because often I would be alone with her up there : not like other children , having to come down to the drawing-room at five o'clock , brought by nurse , on their best behaviour .
14 It helps if it is small , and it is also a great advantage if it can easily reach the next tree without having to climb down to the ground and then climb up again .
15 Then , once I am at home , I usually think the whole of it was splendid , and hate having to settle down to the monotonous , lonely life of a writer .
16 ‘ Look , ’ I said , ‘ I do see your point , and I 'm not trying to talk down to you , but if I went round telling you , or any other patient , their temperatures my bosses would kill me .
17 Tomorrow will be a different matter though , trying to get down to Perugia before the hostel shuts .
18 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
19 ‘ Yes , I 've been meaning to get down to Dingle . ’
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