Example sentences of "[v-ing] [det] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 But that should not stop them from checking all the same .
2 Bush droned on about good and evil , right and wrong , Hitler , Munich , appeasement , using all the same phrases that most of us thought we had heard for the last time , after the revolutions of 1989 .
3 But what really excited her about the visit was the museum 's corresponding red leather book containing all the same names , which enabled both to double-check the information .
4 The Mail 's big rival , the Express is doing much the same .
5 We 're doing all the same .
6 Events there were taking much the same course as they had in Portugal , and as Mark had resolved that problem in double quick time , he was considered the best man to deal with this new problem situation .
7 which is erm now I 'm dealing all the same company , maintenance and everything
8 But it 's beautifully finished piano playing all the same , and most truthfully reproduced .
9 There was no sound coming from there , but people might be working all the same .
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