Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 He stood by the fireplace , gazing despairingly at the mouthpiece of the telephone .
2 ‘ Mrs Wormwood is n't going to thank you for this , ’ the man said as he led her into the sitting-room where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen .
3 Claudia obediently washed Dana 's thick hair as she sat in the bath , sniffing appreciatively at the perfume that floated round her twin .
4 Two respondents indicated that all ordinands in their college have their singing voices assessed during their training , and then receive instruction as necessary , Others offer training in singing only at the request of the ordinand , or the tutor or parish placement supervisor .
5 Carol had been gazing gloomily at the lake .
6 I went on my way , gazing anew at the beauties of the course .
7 These are usually based on removal of attention for inappropriate behaviour like not eating ( extinction ) and on setting the scene for appropriate behaviour by eating only at the table ( discriminative learning ) .
8 Old enemies now competing together at the first ever international games for disabled ex-servicemen .
9 The Ouse takes a slow and meandering course eastwards ending eventually at the Wash .
10 He was clean-shaven , in the Norman manner , leaving open to view a face broad at brow and well provided with strong and shapely bone , a lean jaw , and a full , firm mouth , long-lipped and mobile , and quirking upward at the corners to match a certain incalculable spark in his eye .
11 She leapt to her feet mopping furiously at the small wet patch on her skirt .
12 ‘ Are you saying what I think you are saying , Caroline ? ’ he croaked thickly , his lidded gaze devastatingly sensual , a trace of incredulity lurking somewhere at the back of his eyes .
13 She remained very still , marvelling secretly at the strength of his restraining hands .
14 And Anders , showing off his strength by tearing only at the thick material of Nina 's suit .
15 She only wished she could look forward to that day — instead , she realised , aching inside at the prospect , she was dreading it .
16 I do not know whether the pattern which we see in this country — of significant differences between girls and boys appearing only at the higher levels of achievement — would also apply to the SIMS data .
17 He was leaning against the casualty department door leering at the nurse who was dabbing gently at the three parallel scratches on Martin 's face .
18 The two friends were last seen sunbathing together at the weekend .
19 And she saw old Billy , his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth .
20 — Maxine Barrie , the Shirley Bassey lookalike who came out on top in the Granada TV Stars In Your Eyes programme , is appearing tonight at the Shotton Hall Banqueting Suite , Peterlee in a Valentine 's Night Special .
21 Carl is banging away at the drums ,
22 Bill was snoring away at the bar .
23 On the far side of the tunnel , near the side of the line towards Bath , there was an immensely deep rock quarry , disused and deserted but containing some old equipment , rusting away at the bottom .
24 Wherever we have looked for savings , we have looked to trimming away at the centre and preserving those services that are delivered to the citizens in a direct way .
25 They dismiss US claims that the war is ‘ going to plan ’ , noting only that the multi-national force is four weeks into a war which shows no likelihood of ending soon at the time of writing .
26 Expatriates returning home at the end of their tour of duty can expect payment of travel expenses to their homes and hotel accommodation if necessary .
27 By the end of the month the French , United Kingdom and United States governments had committed troops to maintain " safe havens " within Iraq , despite the latter 's condemnation , and UN relief agencies confirmed on April 29 that Kurdish refugees who had fled Iraq were returning home at the rate of 20,000 a day .
28 No doubt my loved ones are already laughing heartily at the thought that I could have anything useful to say to a secretary of state , and two years ago I too would have discounted the idea that a politically damp , small ‘ c ’ conservative would ever be in a position to offer advice on competition and free markets to a Tory government .
29 It is present throughout the universe , the flow of energy into and out of the body occurring particularly at the energy centres known as ‘ chakras ’ , at the base of the spine , the sex organs , solar plexus , heart , throat , brow , and the crown of the head .
30 Police knocking loudly at the door woke the minister and his wife , demanding entry to search .
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