Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The big western lakes , Conn , Corrib and Mask , are producing little at present and the Galway Weir produced only five salmon for the week in spite of excellent conditions for fly fishing .
2 Nevertheless , a close relationship was sustained , each Sunday evening saw the three brothers and their wives and children gathering together at Rachel Cohen 's home in highly convivial mood , Leonard 's grandmother being especially delighted in her firstborn 's firstborn .
3 Wade John Frankum , 33 , hacked a 15 year-old girl to death with a machete before rampaging through the shopping complex firing randomly at bystanders .
4 Mildred closed her eyes again , hoping that perhaps it was only a nightmare , but when she sneaked another look , the apparition was still there , and now it began patting gently at Mildred with its gigantic paws .
5 They used to go off painting together at week-ends , often in Burger 's boat , and they spent quite long holidays abroad .
6 And she knows that the secret of laughter is shared experience — laughing together at disasters and embarrassments that can happen to us all .
7 It was n't until her mother had issued those ridiculous and unnecessary warnings over driving alone at night that the idiocy of her own attitude had dawned on her .
8 Dr Groome fiddled with the slab and Ella Raines came up , walking alone at night along a deserted railroad platform .
9 TWO dozen people are grunting , straining and tearing away at heads and arms — watched by another member of the Judo Club .
10 ‘ Is this where I make the noble suggestion of keeping away at weekends to leave you free to sail as much as you want ? ’ he demanded .
11 The sound from next door had risen to a mechanical drumbeat , like a pneumatic drill hammering away , it was him , banging and banging away at Jenny , she could almost hear the girl 's screams .
12 A twenty-three year old woman has been accused of causing the death of another woman by driving dangerously at speeds of up to 90 miles an hour with her one-year-old daughter on her lap .
13 My ides of real rape is , say , a woman walking home at night and dragged into an entry and forcefully raped .
14 The couple were walking home at midnight in February when Watson struck .
15 Instead , he was living in a north London flat and working weekdays in a City bank , returning home at night to a difficult marriage .
16 An LGB circular of 1871 proclaimed that out-door relief should not be given to single women unless they proved their inability to find other employment by performing a daily labour task , officially termed a ‘ labour test ’ , such as cleaning , in the workhouse , returning home at night .
17 John 's father had told him vague stories about a grandfather who was said to have spent his time in mysterious pursuits of his own , returning home at intervals to sire another child before disappearing again .
18 The warmth was welcome , although now I was nervous anew , thinking my fire would attract anything lurking near at hand .
19 She took a deep breath before storming angrily at Doreen , ‘ I do n't have to listen to this sort of talk from you .
20 She was not suffering from a complex , it was just common sense ; in any case , prizes could be symbolic only , appearing regularly at sales of work , bring-and-buy mornings , fêtes and tombolas , before finally coming to rest . )
21 It is quite obvious that if all of you are going for the same niche in the marketplace , as is happening increasingly at present , then it will be a highly competitive situation where you will have to rely even more than usual on the superiority of your own skills or technology to bring you through .
22 A friend of mine , Debbie , was once driving late at night through an unfamiliar area of London .
23 Master Beaton panted , pressing rhythmically at Ruari 's chest .
24 Landing briefly at Sarzana to take aboard a Regia Marina observer , they set off on their mission , but at 1520 were intercepted by seven fighters which they identified as Hurricanes , but were in fact Fulmars of 808 Squadron .
25 He would be gone from here , perhaps returning briefly at nights for some food , then off again .
26 The highlight of this count was another diving duck , a fine drake long-tailed duck , one or two of these normally sea-going duck appearing occasionally at Abberton , usually in March or April .
27 He was lashing away at balls on the practice ground .
28 Erm , but it seems to be the case that when there are not councillors here whinging away at officers , saying why is n't it working , nothing happens , it all gets sort of forgotten or something .
29 In Berlin it was agreed that with the depression eating away at Danzig 's own tax revenues , the city 's only possible course of action was to devalue the Danzig gulden by 57.5 per cent to achieve parity with the zloty .
30 Death becomes the way out of deep hurts , the unexpressed griefs and resentments eating away at self over the years .
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