Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 It was not a historical accident that the sports in which blacks were overrepresented compared to their proportion in the general population were those demanding little in the way of equipment or facilities .
2 WORLD 500cc motorcycle champion Wayne Rainey is critical in hospital after crashing badly in the Italian Grand Prix at Misano .
3 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
4 But things started to change when a friend mentioned that since I had lost a little weight whilst being away on a beach holiday with my boyfriend ( not deliberately , just through not eating much in the heat of Spain ) several people had said how I looked better .
5 The floor of the docks retreated beneath them , lane markings shining dimly , gouts of sullen flame flaring suddenly in the gloom .
6 Cardiff have always attracted players , but what has fuelled the apprehension of the other Merit Table clubs is that they , along with Newport , are now competing eagerly in the transfer market .
7 Most of his family and friends had predeceased him and he died on 9th June 1834 , aged 72 , trusting only in the grace of God for his salvation .
8 Some saw the irrational spectre of money illusion lurking menacingly in the wings .
9 The incalculable Boden had somehow worked his way round once again into forbidden territory , had been lurking somewhere in the bushes , waiting for them to leave .
10 Words of warning were lurking somewhere in the darkest recesses of her mind , but the physical longing was n't so easy to abruptly cancel out , and besides Guy was already peeling the rest of the gold swimsuit down to her waist , then straddling her to place strategic kisses along the path of exposed skin as he lifted her hips to ease the costume down to her thighs .
11 They moved on again with the river coursing slowly in the growing light beside them and the birds darting out in front of their horses ' knees .
12 Guido Alberto Rossi was born in Milan in 1949 , photographing widely in the Middle East and Indochina until 1973 .
13 Now he stood near the door with his hands clasping each other behind his back and his scalp itching furiously in the heat .
14 Havel 's friend and co-resister Ludvik Vaculik describes a birthday party for ‘ our own particular Wenceslas ’ ( Vaclav is the Czech version ) in one of its restaurants a few years ago , on one of those occasions when they were wrily living ‘ as if ’ in freedom ; all those present remember some high or low point of their lives happening somewhere in the Lucerna Palace .
15 Imagine , in some generation in the past , that a species contains N individuals , and hence 2 N copies of some particular gene , say the gene for cytochrome C. Let the total mutation rate per gene be m ( that is , the chance of a mutation of some kind occurring somewhere in the gene in a given sperm or egg ) .
16 Furthermore , it is likely that some investment will be occurring somewhere in the economy so that aggregate investment is never likely actually to disappear completely .
17 Our cat , and I 've really watched her makes a point of going and walking slowly in the road .
18 Jekub was twenty feet away , vibrating gently in the early morning mist .
19 They were originally thought to have been two closely related species occurring together in the same rocks , but these ‘ pairs ’ were so consistently found together that it became more and more probable that they were sexual forms of the same species .
20 And they shared a laugh , dismounting together in the clatter of the crowded court .
21 Zapp is the supreme professional , who embodies , albeit comically , those ideals of professionalism that have long been dominant in the North American academy and are becoming so in the British .
22 Exactly , unless they guarantee human rights er , you see , what 's really happening especially in the Baltic , that is er there , there is an anti Russian feeling you know , and er there is element in in the Baltic Republic who want to er , want to deport the Russian population who 've been there for maybe for the last forty five years .
23 Save the Children reported that 200 people were dying daily in the capital .
24 It is the fourth day of the month of June , and HARRY and PHIL are walking together in the garden of HARRY 'S house .
25 Playing at an altitude of over 5,000 feet and in humid conditions , Canada introduced only two new caps , B.C. no.8 Colin McKenzie and Scott MacKinnon , the Ontario wing who joined flanker Gord to give Canada its first instance of brothers appearing together in the same international side .
26 The seeds of this new mythology of space had been sown , back in the days of the Big Step , by so many alien races appearing suddenly in the system , in vessels as various in shape and size as their owners .
27 49% of you are more afraid of driving alone in the dark than you used to be .
28 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
29 Although occurring naturally in the soil , for fish feeding , they are best cultured .
30 Researchers studying the other senses document numerous similar results , and what occurs in laboratories will be outnumbered by those discriminations occurring naturally in the wild that nobody knows anything about .
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