Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] through the " in BNC.

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1 And then , as if the slight sound which had broken from her throat was a signal , he quickly scooped her up in his arms , wading swiftly through the shallow water towards the sandy shore .
2 We had crowd-flow blockages , insufficient refreshment facilities , no VIP entrance , no security check until people were in the main auditorium , and no way to get backstage except by walking right through the main meeting , up the stairs onto the stage and out through the back — with everybody watching !
3 In tourism , 1990 figures showed a 30 per cent increase in earnings over the previous year ( in spite of the Gulf crisis occurring halfway through the season ) , bringing the annual total to some US$3,300 million .
4 In the dream she and her father were walking together through the shrubbery .
5 Children were splashing in the beck , their cries echoing from the cove face , a courting couple were doing what courting couples have done since time immemorial , oblivious to the world and its wife passing by , and old ladies on a coach trip from Bradford were walking gently through the sunny afternoon , all grey hair , handbags and giggles .
6 Portents in plenty are also reported — " a tempest dripping fire " ( St Elmo 's fire ? ) , a lion walking sulkily through the city , the bird of night hooting and shrieking at noon-day and of course the soothsayer 's warning to " Beware the Ides of March " .
7 The latest attack happened as the twenty seven year old woman was walking home through the centre of Oxford after a party in the early hours of Saturday morning .
8 We had a final drink with Nils while he checked the list of his requirements for the prop-shaft alterations , then we went out into the night , walking quickly through the bitter blustering of the wind back to our billet .
9 The tail became long and strong enough for sculling quickly through the water , and the hind legs could give powerful kicks to the river bottom .
10 He watched a woman walking briskly through the pool of light shed by a gas-lamp .
11 Leg-spinner Kumble ended the day with five wickets , returning midway through the final session to halt Ian Salisbury 's dogged resistance in support of the inspired Lewis .
12 On the journey back into town Merrill deliberately froze out all thoughts of the past hour and its momentous revelation , concentrating instead on driving meticulously through the heavy rain .
13 The 16V Fiat Tipo which Dee was driving cussedly through the streets of London to his home in Tooting in one of the most fun cars to appear on the market , at an affordable price , for some time .
14 Ten miles out , while pedalling uphill through the dripping gloom of a forest , I prayed for some vital piece of bike to snap off and put an end to my misery .
15 There seemed to be so many of them , more and more crowding silently through the ruins wherever she looked .
16 The action was highly controversial , occurring mid-way through the second phase of Middle East peace talks in Washington [ see p. 38693 ] .
17 Upon repair , the screws were replaced by bolts passing right through the timbers , and many of the pine timbers were replaced by lengths of jarrah wood .
18 When she thought about the things he did they became even sharper , so that it felt as if an electric shock was passing right through the centre of her body .
19 Great A'Tuin the turtle comes , swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf , hydrogen frost on his ponderous limbs , his huge and ancient shell pocked with meteor craters .
20 The little scene concluded , she walked aft , looking inward through the windows , searching for someone , who in fact turned out to be me .
21 Then he began to sink , passing slowly through the deck , feeling it slide up through his body .
22 I come away from the courthouse , brushing slowly through the streets , gazing at Liberty 's and the Haunch of Venison Avenue .
23 And sure enough , gliding effortlessly through the eddies and the down-draughts from the peaks ahead , were six mighty Andean condors , the biggest birds in the world .
24 Sheep bought by the Scottish Office for testing will be slaughtered in two weeks after having eaten the contaminated vegetation for around eight weeks , to give a clearer picture of the likelihood of contamination passing further through the food chain .
25 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
26 Later , wandering further through the ruins , we noted that the process of creation seemed to have gone into reverse .
27 Sensitive to open air and sometimes a sensation of breathlessness as if they were passing rapidly through the air .
28 Like swimmers coming up to breathe , they regularly ventilated themselves outside London , sometimes renting cottages , sometimes staying in hotels , and sometimes whirling recklessly through the Continent .
29 He seemed vulnerable but then I heard the chink of armour and , looking carefully through the trees which swept up from the river , caught a glimpse of colour and steel and knew that help , if he needed it , was never far away .
30 Corbett squatted down and examined the ground , sifting carefully through the fallen leaves and twigs .
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