Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The source of irritation may be flies , an unpleasant smell , ticklish grooming or an unskilled rider .
2 In Aspinall v Sterling Mansell Ltd [ 1981 ] 3 All ER 866 it was said that there is a difference in kind between an ordinary medical examination and one involving experimenting or a diagnostic procedure .
3 Any of the following signs or symptoms may cause you to be suspicious : water retention asthma abdominal bloating migraine headache abdominal wind insomnia abdominal pain anxiety or irritability diarrhoea constipation eczema puffy eyelids rhinitis ( sneezing or a runny nose ) swollen fingers or ankles
4 One of the hotel 's most appealing features is a treelined terrace — delightful for sunbathing or a relaxing cool drink .
5 Thus to make a wonderful stock base for poaching or a clear soup , water would be highly flavoured with lemon or lime juice , plus lemon grass and kaffir lime leaf .
6 Like VR as an instrument of state terror , or brainwashing or a virtual jail where you keep someone plugged in .
7 With weeks , sometimes months between the issue of travel documents and their actual use , frequent changes in timetabling and the inevitable delays on overworked railways and sea routes , predicting when and where a transport would arrive was about as reliable as betting on a roulette wheel .
8 Prevent the ends twisting and the resulting torsion is relieved only by the strand twisting about itself .
9 the thing is though , he 'll be walking and the other one still be in the pram , get that one out again
10 Back outside , children are weeping , mothers are wailing and a thousand haunted , hungry eyes bore into you .
11 ‘ He 's understanding and a good listener . ’
12 With long-term prisoners and lifers much of their work is centred on the understanding of offending behaviour and the risks of re-offending ; with others , the whole range of family and personal problems call for tact , understanding and a good deal of dogged , patient work .
13 The muted phrases in bars 2 and 3 should be performed using fairly heavy palm muting and a strong pick attack .
14 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
15 Dock strikes were occurring and a general strike was clearly impending .
16 For this reason , we recommend that there should be two separate targets , one for spelling and the other for handwriting , covering ages 5 to 11 ( levels 1 to 4 ) .
17 A statement from the new pressure group says clubs throughout the Foyle area feel that even with the continuing decline both in Irish stocks and water quality , the Commission has allowed over-fishing by netting to continue and is not adequately funded to deter or prevent poaching and the continued degradation of water quality throughout the system .
18 EVERY year or two there 's a new explanation for snoring and a suggested new cure .
19 Pike stopped banging and a slow smile spread across his face .
20 From that initial claim on your attention , he would proceed rapidly to inform you of his achievement in preserving the Albert Dock complex in Liverpool — now the largest tourist attraction in the north of England — from wanton , council-approved destruction ; of his professional status as author of the standard textbook on Concise Practical Surveying and the Structural Masonry Designers ’ Manuals ; of his intellectual attainment in completing a doctoral thesis in ten months ; of his physical prowess as a pensionable leader of Very Severe rockclimbs and skier down the most precipitous slopes .
21 Something behind it prevented it from fully opening and a dark , viscous substance that in the subdued light looked like a patch of oil was spreading from an invisible source and had begun soaking into the carpet .
22 The trunk was studded with knot-holes spaced for climbing and the naked branches spun upwards as evenly as the treads of a spiral staircase .
23 If a wound string is designed to incorporate a very heavy core — which is easier to produce , since it 's less likely to break during winding and a thin wrap goes onto the core much easier — then it 's less likely to sound good , because it 's too stiff .
24 There is now no voltage applied to the phase winding and the current decays around a path which includes Tl , R c and diode Dl .
25 described two distinct states of affair , namely , ( a ) where the wife is alive to what she is signing and is procured to sign by the undue influence of her husband ; and ( b ) where the wife is not aware of what she is signing and the only ground for impeaching the document is her want of understanding .
26 The informal mechanisms of control , which centre around the socialisation process — people learn that stealing , cheating and the like are wrong ; and the formal mechanics , which involve formal , legally established penalties .
27 What sensible young thirteen-and-a-half-year-old would wish to take on board all those terrible sins like gluttony , cheating and the first inklings of immoral thoughts ?
28 The whole operation however is more efficient with two persons with one applying and the other following and drying .
29 ‘ I ca n't understand what 's happening but the telemetric system that controls the flow of gas from the whole of the Hewett , Leman and Shaun fields has gone berserk .
30 If there is vomiting or a significant headache .
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