Example sentences of "[v-ing] [coord] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 because it is not worth litigating or suing for claims below a certain sum ;
2 Between the 1st day of July 1987 and the 15th day of October 1987 conspired together and with other persons fraudulently to induce persons to enter into agreements for acquiring or subscribing for securities , namely shares in Blue Arrow plc , by making statements which they knew to be misleading , false or deceptive or by dishonestly concealing material facts or by recklessly making statements which were misleading , false or deceptive namely : 1.1 By failing to notify the Company Announcements Office of the Quotations Department of the International Stock Exchange by way of a Class 2 announcement ( as provided for by Section 6 of the Council of the Stock Exchange 's admission of securities to listing ) following the purchase of shares in Manpower Incorporated for a consideration in excess of 5 per cent of the consolidated net assets of Blue Arrow ; 1.2 By concealing the fact that the level of Acceptances of provisionally allotted new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow was 38.04 per cent at the expiry of the offer by way of rights issue at 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.3 By concealing the fact that 54,625,000 new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow were taken up after 3pm on September 28 , 1987 ; 1.4 By falsely stating that , in connection with the rights issue of 504.4 million new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow , acceptances had been received in respect of 246.5 million shares which represented 48.9 per cent of the rights issue .
3 I spend days walking and looking for compositions .
4 all the way up to the mountains , you could walk so far you could nearly cross over and go to another village right up the mountains , just keep walking and walking for ever , or you could go into the
5 ‘ Now do stop fussing around , ’ his wife said to him after he had been tossing and turning for about an hour .
6 After tossing and turning for another while , Amiss fell into a deep sleep from which he was woken less than an hour and a half later by his alarm clock .
7 Even though she had n't got to bed till the small hours , and had been feeling totally exhausted , she 'd been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours , utterly unable to sleep .
8 The Whip is interrupting and asking for my solution .
9 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
10 By his coming to us as a human being and by his suffering , dying and rising for us , our lives have meaning and hope .
11 The general attitude of the medical profession is to be highly sceptical , question the benefits , divide into camps and argue bitterly among themselves , and continue scientific testing , surveying and debating for years before becoming convinced .
12 Riding a bike is a suitable analogy : if you have been pedalling very hard for a while you can stop pedalling and freewheel for a short distance without losing any speed .
13 Preliminary examination of channel recordings obtained from cell attached patches ( for example , Fig 1A ) showed rapid current transitions , channels opening and closing for comparatively short periods .
14 I explained that I was driving and asked for directions .
15 It strikes me that Glamorgan have left themselves with another internal problem they could have done without now they are rebuilding and looking for stability after those years of committee trauma and musical chairs among the skippers .
16 JOHAN TUMBA , the Swedish professional found guilty of cheating and banned for 10 years in January , had the sentence reduced to three years on appeal yesterday .
17 I used a small spray of birds-foot trefoil , and although in the finished picture it seems as though it has been pressed just as it was picked , in fact the majority of the piece was dismantled for pressing and reassembled for the picture .
18 And apart from certain specialised domains ( the lexicon of skateboarding or knitting for example ) you will also find few words whose source is a text written by somebody working class , or black , or for that matter female .
19 If your child did start vomiting or trembling or gasping for breath , would you suspect that they had eaten delphinium seeds unless they were still holding the packet ?
20 No doubt everyone in Mouncy Street knew what he had bought and had been looking or waiting for him to find out .
21 And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved .
22 Accepting that you will need to provide either training or re-training for your existing staff means that you will remember to budget for it in the overall cost of the system .
23 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 6.03 in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1989 and 12 March 1991 sent business letters relating to its investment business without bearing the legend ‘ Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry on investment business ’ contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.02 and in that the firm at Shipley between 9 September 1988 and 1 October 1989 entered or required its Principal to enter into an association or arrangement with a person which might result in the defendant being constrained or induced to refer or introduce a client to a person who was not an independent intermediary with a view to that person giving investment advice contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.03 and in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1986 and 31 October 1989 failed before recommending or effecting for a client a transaction in units in an authorised unit trust or a recognised collective investment scheme , to take reasonable steps to establish that other more advantageous or suitable policies or units were not available contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.11 and in that the firm at Shipley between 1 November 1989 and 16 October 1991 having given advice to a client which was such that when acted upon it resulted in commission being received by the defendant , failed to notify the said client in writing of the amount and terms of such commission as soon as that information was available , contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.32 was reprimanded , fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
24 of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.09 in that in Windsor between 13 October 1989 and 3 June 1992 , before recommending or effecting for clients transactions relating to investment , the firm failed to give adequate risk warnings to those clients in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.47 in that in Windsor between 13 October 1989 and 3 June 1991 the firm failed to send engagement letters and agree them with clients in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.60 in that in Windsor between 13 October 1989 and 3 June 1991 the firm failed to keep proper client records in accordance with the terms of the Regulation was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
25 She had tried to locate him for over two years , in both America and Canada , where John had been living and working for a number of years .
26 We could take this illustration too far — but I would like you to look upon yourselves as conductors , setting the tempo of the class , listening and looking for every discordant note — and for every good one — helping by encouragement — and asking questions , for instance " Are you working as hard as you could ? "
27 The man had a rasping cough that exploded from his lungs in noisy barks which often left him groaning and gasping for breath .
28 I could hear people groaning and calling for help . ’
29 Kelly was pushing and kicking for all she was worth , with her stick working in her left hand .
30 A witness had seen him in deep water , shouting and waving for help .
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