Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] for some " in BNC.

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1 The store had not been trading profitably for some time indicating there simply is not enough money circulating in the area to sustain it .
2 Proteon 's announcement that it is splitting its business into two divisions ( one for adaptor boards and wiring centres ; the other for internetworking and intelligent hub systems ) is in line with what has been happening internally for some time , says Swan .
3 She went humming upstairs to clean the bathroom , while Winnie turned over in her mind a plan which had been lurking there for some time .
4 As most people in South Africa know , they have been living apart for some while — ostensibly on security grounds .
5 Following township rumours that the Mandelas had been living apart for some weeks , the Sowetan newspaper said Mrs Mandela continued to live in the mansion she had built in a better part of Soweto but Mr Mandela had moved into a well-guarded home in Johannesburg 's affluent northern suburbs .
6 As far as identity is concerned , this does not involve looking primarily for some smug sense of having arrived at a particular social position .
7 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
8 Because Edith now Edith was going away for some unknown reason , I do n't know , she must have been going on another holiday anyhow .
9 I 'd talked myself into caring more for some worn-out principle than about the reality of what was happening to us .
10 He just stared into the dreadful dark depths of the old female 's shelter waiting hopelessly for some sign that she was alive .
11 He took it , and after turning restlessly for some time , he eventually fell into a deep , heavy sleep .
12 Christopher had obviously been going there for some years .
13 Although she has been teaching now for some eight years , on and off , although she enjoys it , feels she is good at it , and would like to go on doing it for the rest of her life if possible , she always feels a twinge of anxiety at the beginning of a new term .
14 Striving hard for some normality , she pulled her head back and told him , ‘ I d-did n't say a word to anyone about — about us . ’
15 Whatever the readers ' perception , Le Monde is changing and will go on doing so for some time to come .
16 I 've been coming here for some time and only now am I relaxed there .
17 It was a warm night , and he had been studying hard for some hours .
18 They had all been sitting quietly for some time , waiting .
19 I had been happily chatting away for some time to my ‘ invisible ’ recorder before I realized I was not alone .
20 Judging by the thickness of the file in front of me we are going to be working together for some little time yet .
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