Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Serum concentrations of both are raised in patients with type II diabetes , reflecting most probably a shift in the relation between demand for insulin and the capacity to produce it .
2 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
3 Once he acted the part of Asquith in some amateur dramatics , and danced round the stage with ‘ Lloyd George ’ , singing most comically a refrain which he wrote himself .
4 Rapid progress across country is largely a matter of finding and using effectively only the very strongest of thermals .
5 A corn bunting was singing halfway up a pylon , short bursts of jangling notes .
6 We have been eating together quite a bit , and also travelling to the University together on the bus — the University being about 8 miles from the city centre .
7 I have now four inches of tightly packed paper — keeping mostly only the replies , to save space , as the ‘ dole office ’ nowadays frequently ask people to take in evidence of job search .
8 I shall have flown into who knows whose airport , or I 'll be sleeping on a ship steaming slowly out the English Channel , or I 'll be dead and rigid on a lonely piece of ground .
9 Philip ran down the bracken bank to the gate and watched him run down the field to Mrs Wright who was walking slowly down the field .
10 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
11 ? ) On a more serious note , my thanks are due to Dr. Peach , the Tutor for Graduates , for being available and interested without being intrusive , and to the Principal for understanding so well the fears and uncertainties of being new on the job .
12 The immediate difficulty here , however , is one of explaining just why a loss of meaning that seems unavoidable in such paraphrases does not affect the truth-value of the relevant propositions .
13 Nineteen of the 31 authorities who spent over £3,000 ( see Table 11 ) actually spent £5,000 or more , and it should be noted that this group of 19 library authorities accounted for 55% of the money directly allocated to training by our sample , while employing just under a quarter of all staff .
14 As a relatively small number of library authorities carry out a high amount of training , so a small number of libraries spend a high proportion of the money budgeted : 19 libraries accounted for 55% of this money , although employing just under a quarter of all staff .
15 Keeping away fro the area of technicalities on migration .
16 Indeed , their only identifiable link is Andy , currently climbing easily up the red rock .
17 A huge volume of Ferranti shares has changed hands since they returned to trading just over a week ago and a number of other potential bidders are believed to have built up small stakes .
18 She finds time to sit down with the patient before she 's wheeled off to X-Ray , explaining exactly how the lung will be sealed off , that pain is inevitable and how it will be controlled .
19 He blinked his pale grey eyes , took a careless look around himself before walking smartly up the driveway to Roirbak 's complex , an array of wafer-thin data cards — the discerning burglar 's equivalent of a crowbar — ready to hand .
20 Certainly he was becoming ever more a man on his own .
21 What will be more difficult to sustain is the expectation that labour should show total dedication to work now that lifetime employment is becoming ever more the exception .
22 Now , as socialism knocks on the door of Number 10 , the Hoorays are preparing to go back underground , adopting once again the protective colouring that has kept the British upper classes safe and sound while heads have rolled all over Europe .
23 This may simply be a matter of explaining once again the implications of the diseases in terms of any personal relationships , giving advice about contraceptive clinics , or just lending a sympathetic ear while the patient unburdens his or her problems .
24 Our priority has been the improvement of BP 's performance by setting clearer business targets , aligning more closely the reward and recognition of individuals ’ and teams ’ contributions with performance , and encouraging greater teamwork .
25 The implications of what we are presented with are left more dramatically open , challenging more directly the containment implied by the morality tradition .
26 what by walking quickly up the kitchen and into the hall .
27 What , then , can we conclude about the contribution that political sociology has made to understanding more clearly the main trends of political change in the twentieth century , and to influencing the course of events ?
28 Clearly , to contextualise ideological responses historically is not to neutralise the ideological responses themselves , but it is to take a significant step towards understanding more fully the issues involved .
29 But this is simply a roundabout way of reaffirming once again the fundamental significance of the fact that while men can use the apparatus of spoken language for " thinking " , other creatures can not .
30 What the audience sees in Jonathan Miller 's production and Stefanos Lazaridis 's designs , is not the Great California Forest of Puccini 's imagination ; instead , mining-trucks and rail- tracks lead the eye up a steep rake to slag-heaps and a slate-grey sky , driving home forcefully the misery of the miner 's existence ( like Miller , Maazel has great respect for Puccini 's treatment of the individual in the mob-situation ) .
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