Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] right [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are ongoing in that they are still at an early stage and in that the process of applying them right across the whole of the NHS will take several years-probably up to the end of the century .
2 Also , when you die you get to choose whereabouts on the screen to restart , avoiding the trap of landing you right in the middle of what killed you in the first place .
3 As these are decorations and not toys , you can use glass or pearl-headed pins to make the halo , either pushing them right into the head like a wreath , or half-way in so that the halo stands away from the head .
4 Make the mix fairly dry and press it well down into the joints , filling them right to the top and finishing them flush .
5 She went over to where he was standing , looking him right in the eyes so that he could see how furious she was .
6 Right , if you just want to come out of there and we 'll just have a look at the plot of the residuals , if you plot the residuals the test for serial correlation there well the test for serial correlation , right , and try and determine whether there 's a auto regressive structure to those parameters and I think Steve was talking to you about er auto regressions , so what the computer is doing essentially , it is getting the residuals from the model raised and it 's regressing them right on the residuals in the previous period , right , and it 's testing whether this parameter row , right , is significantly different from zero right , now if this is , if row is significantly different from zero , let's say it 's nought point six , that implies the residuals in T are not independent of the residuals in T minus one .
7 it was scorching them right through .
8 Why cause ourselves so much anxiety , and spend so much time , money and energy on failed diet/exercise routines when the answer to all our problems is staring us right in the face .
9 Not seeing it right at the minute .
10 Now Holt and Harris both have many wise , enlightened and humane observations to make about some of the injustices which we inflict upon children , but as these remarks show , putting them right without inflicting equally grave injustice is no easy matter .
11 And if you 're putting him right over clubs , you 'd better be 101 percent right if you 're telling him that what he 's got in mind is the wrong thing .
12 Bill Filip , president of the Advanced Workstation Division says RS/6000 business has grown 50% in the first half of this year over the corresponding period last year , putting it right on course to achieve its target , he believes .
13 Many of the records — ‘ pinched ’ from or discarded by his musical family — were scratched and worn , but it was Music with a capital ‘ M ’ and the first time I heard the Chopin first piano concerto , we nearly had a fight because I insisted on playing it right through four times .
14 As he made a pantomime of checking his watch , shaking it in mock disbelief , then shoving it right under Marie 's nose , he looked as empty-headed and harmless as ever : it 's only Gazzer , acting daft .
15 Sergeant Bird watched fascinated while Frobisher diligently examined every vessel , finally dissecting them right off the base of the brain in order to see the other side .
16 We get up and Molloy gets hold of Mowat again and Mowat swings round battering him right across the road .
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