Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was fun with the children when they were younger , too , telling them stories about life in the countryside , taking them out — ‘ go all over the place with him , yes ’ — and seeing them to bed : ‘ he always give us a piggyback up the stairs to bed . ’
2 He had unfortunately proceeded to mar them by fastening them to strips of card with paper clips , which had rusted and left their foul trail on the bookmarks .
3 Silas 's emotional affairs are not your problem , so why are you allowing them to snake about in your mind ?
4 This involves a willingness to acknowledge that co-operation can be difficult and that mistakes will occur , and a commitment to making the solving of problems a priority , rather than allowing them to fester .
5 This requires cutting the instructions to a bare minimum , so that you are , in effect , just providing them with the seed of an idea , and allowing them to culture it .
6 Catalytic converters are poisoned and damaged by leaded petrol ; attaching them to cars forces drivers to run only on unleaded fuel , an added bonus .
7 As Mr Torode points out , our liberal forefathers insisted on the importance of testing faiths by submitting them to discussion .
8 Attempts to make the arts accountable by submitting them to forms of assessment which properly belong elsewhere may actually make them appear wanting by looking for inappropriate forms of proof .
9 Geologists had chiefly looked horizontally where fossils were concerned , using them to date strata rather than following resemblances vertically through time .
10 One important aspect of attributing differences to biology as opposed to attributing them to culture is that the second type of explanation leaves room for views to change , while the former appears to rule this out .
11 But , as with any archaeological object , such interpretations can be made only when we have a secure idea of when and where a coin was made , and the methods of dating coins and attributing them to mints is therefore discussed first in Chapter 2 , where it will also be seen that the same techniques for dating and attributing coins can sometimes be turned round , using coins to date other objects or to identify places .
12 Ivory tower allergists discount reactions to food unless an IgE mechanism has been proved , but denying them or attributing them to hypochondriasis is a sign not of scientific superiority but of a head in the sand mentality .
13 Scientists are excited by this computer approach to archaeology and they 've plans to reconstruct other great buildings of the past bringing them to life once again .
14 They 're not actually that im they 're not important about bringing them to faith .
15 The man who was the driving force behind bringing them to Britain for surgery was Sir Jimmy Savile .
16 I have a lot of fond memories of Lotus and the people there , but bringing them to Chrysler , I never considered it .
17 Even though most of these reforms benefited from widespread political and public support , de Gaulle had played a critical role in bringing them to fruition .
18 Leave out obscure remarks , jargon , and private jokes , otherwise you 'll have to keep explaining them to people all evening .
19 He said to me once , when he was driving me to school , that there was nothing left to believe in these days .
20 It was this nagging feeling that was driving me to Kano and had increased my daily average to 19.6 miles .
21 The cube building is the base , with consulting rooms in the basement and the sides of the cube are a honeycomb of booths soft furnished with couch , video screen , audio input — and the article as common in every house as the telephone once was , the communications terminal , enabling me to key-in my needs .
22 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
23 If they can prevent frustration with the crotchety old Ghost from driving them to violence , they could obtain some very useful information from him .
24 To hand them over to the Russians is condemning them to slavery , torture and probably death .
25 Harold Macmillan 's diary entry describing his meeting at Klagenfurt on 13 May ( only a day after the last group had surrendered ) states that he was informed that " among the surrendered Germans are about 40,000 Cossacks and " White " Russians with their wives and children " , and he notes that " to hand them over to the Russians is condemning them to slavery , torture and probably death .
26 A130 neighbours Braintree can do them a favour today by beating the islanders and condemning them to relegation , while improving their own lowly position in their first season at this level .
27 The government are actually indifferent as to whether you you borrow , and consume your capita er , your credit approvals , or whether you consume your credit approvals by applying them to capital receipts which will be used to buy further capital assets .
28 I am borrowing the conclusions and applying them to beavers , because beavers are more interesting and congenial to many people than worms .
29 Only last week one of the ‘ free ’ newspapers which regularly infested his hallway had reported a spate of knife attacks by gangs who ‘ worked ’ the lines , preying on travellers late at night and early in the morning , robbing them of their valuables and occasionally , to relieve the monotony , stabbing them to death .
30 Cetaceans breathe through a blowhole at the top of their heads , enabling them to surface to take a breath while still swimming .
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