Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
2 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
3 None of these writers produced research evidence to back up their claims , basing them exclusively on clinical practice and theoretical projections .
4 That , then , was the concatenation of circumstances that lay behind the events of Thursday night : Bill Muggeridge noticing the ring on the kitchen calendar ; Toby winning a victory over the headmaster on Monday night which made him chary of challenging him again on Wednesday ; Mr Crumwallis deciding that , on balance , a public schoolboy who was on the staff would do more for the school 's prestige than a young local , however personable .
5 ‘ Happens , ’ he said gruffly , patting her gingerly on the shoulder , and striding down the track ahead of her .
6 And Preston sat there beside her , patting her ineffectually on the shoulder , saying , ‘ It 's all right , it 's all right , really , it 's all right , ’ until finally the sobbing stopped , too , and her eyes closed and she gave a great , shuddering sigh and slept .
7 Behind him is the god Horus who guides his elbow while patting him lightly on the shoulder .
8 The Citation , at the most vulnerable time of any flight , now had full forward power hurling it upwards on its left side and full reverse power dragging it downwards on its right side .
9 From 10 or 20 yards you can sometimes force the ball directly into the bank , the first jump taking it almost vertically upwards and landing it softly on the edge of the green .
10 He was basing it only on a recent knowledge of Trueman and the belief that his committee colleagues are capable of doing whatever it takes to preserve their ill-gotten privileges . ’
11 George Robinson , 18 , of Phoenix Road , Pennywell , Sunderland , admitted taking an F-reg Ford Sierra from the Roker Hotel car park and driving it recklessly on the A19 , A183 and various roads in Sunderland .
12 All these different productions are sometimes summarised by writing them thus on a single line :
13 She felt him pushing her backwards on the overstuffed settee and she let him .
14 Damian pulled her head back up , groaning , and his mouth reclaimed hers , pushing her backwards on the pillows .
15 He laughed whenever she spoke to him and clung to Dotty Blundell for protection , whirling her away on his arm the moment rehearsals were over .
16 Of course she knew the eyes had already assessed , swiftly categorising her purely on this evening 's evidence : a silly , empty-headed girl who did n't know any better .
17 ‘ Do n't worry yourself , doll , ’ Rodo said , tapping her reassuringly on the shoulder .
18 ‘ Do n't panic again , ’ he grinned , flattening her lower arm back on the deck at right angles to her elbow , catching her other arm as she lifted it in protest , and pushing it flat on her other side .
19 Right , if you just want to come out of there and we 'll just have a look at the plot of the residuals , if you plot the residuals the test for serial correlation there well the test for serial correlation , right , and try and determine whether there 's a auto regressive structure to those parameters and I think Steve was talking to you about er auto regressions , so what the computer is doing essentially , it is getting the residuals from the model raised and it 's regressing them right on the residuals in the previous period , right , and it 's testing whether this parameter row , right , is significantly different from zero right , now if this is , if row is significantly different from zero , let's say it 's nought point six , that implies the residuals in T are not independent of the residuals in T minus one .
20 Her father lay back in the big squashy leather chair and closed his eyes for a moment , before opening them again and fixing them firmly on his daughter .
21 Their farms produce some excellent things — first-class olive oil , plenty of good fruit and vegetables , a short but growing list of wines a Frenchman might be persuaded to drink — but Greece has not yet found a way of selling them abroad on a large scale .
22 The elephants were n't swimming in the pond , they were floating on their backs , and one of them was balancing me gently on the flat tops of its upturned feet .
23 I hen , saying goodbye and wishing me well on my journey , she limped out of the house , down the steps and off down the drive .
24 Nevertheless , all inductivists would claim that in so far as scientific theories can be justified , they are justified by supporting them inductively on the basis of some more-or-less secure basis provided by experience .
25 The BEA thus increasingly looked for sites more distant from the load centres , locating them instead on the coast ( where cooling water supplies were cheap and plentiful ) or on the coalfields ( where coal would be the cheapest ) .
26 While wishing you well on the trip , I ca n't help feeling that you 'd be doing more good by campaigning for better facilities for cyclists , in particular for routes and paths which segregate cycles from motor vehicles .
27 He reached behind her head and pulled her towards him , kissing her lingeringly on her lips .
28 ‘ I 'll see if I can get tickets , ’ was all he offered before kissing her sweetly on the mouth and going inside to get some paperwork together for the meeting with his lawyer who was driving out from Palma to see him .
29 Kissing her tenderly on the forehead , he remarked sharply , ‘ What with one thing and another , I 've seen very little of you today . ’
30 He turned and embraced his surprised wife , kissing her passionately on the forehead and cheeks .
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