Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They did n't stick their cards through your letter box or advertise in the Yellow Pages , And very often they were unreliable people , demanding payment in advance or trying to blackmail you .
2 Case Management Application , has been developed using ImageFlow in combination with Plexus ' flagship XDP image processing software and is claimed to offer 70% of the core functionality needed to develop most vertical market imaging applications .
3 The fair is being sponsored by Catering Update in association with Caterer & Hotelkeeper .
4 The relation between decreased urinary albumin excretion and changes in filtration fraction is consistent with the hypotheses of a predominant role of glomerular haemodynamic alterations in producing microalbuminuria in insulin dependent diabetes and also of the decisive role of the reduction in intraglomerular capillary pressure mediated by angiotensin I converting inhibitors in the antialbuminuric effects of these compounds .
5 Since you can not issue CLI " dot " commands from the keyboard , you will need to write a CLI command file using PipeDream in order to redirect the printer input or output .
6 a plaintiff accepting money in court is not automatically entitled to cost of pursuing other defendants since costs of action refer only to costs against a specific party.the plaintiff may ask the court to exercise its discretion e.g if defendants liability is joint .
7 Dependency — For staff , the approach could create reliance upon the system and lead to rigid interpretations of roles and tasks , thus inhibiting creativity in service delivery , and becoming ‘ an alternative to thinking ’ .
8 As a result of the ‘ evidence of a causal link ’ between high levels of dementia and raised aluminium ( even at around half the EC limit ) , the Thames Water Authority has now decided to cease using aluminium in water treatment .
9 Nuisance — Public — Planning permission , grant of — Local authority granting permission for development of commercial port — Movement of heavy goods vehicles on roads leading to port — Vehicles causing serious disturbance to residents — Local authority bringing action in nuisance against port authorities — Whether disturbance public nuisance
10 Checking all the time that there was no one on my tail , I reviewed the situation to the sound of a pirate tape of Sade singing jazz in cabaret .
11 Next in importance would come the discovery in 1964 of the cosmic background itself , by two scientists from the US Bell Labs , Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson , who stumbled on it while looking for ways of eliminating noise in radio receivers .
12 BELOW Clearing the modern deposits from an archaeological site is often done using a machine , with an archaeologist keeping watch in case anything is uncovered by the machine .
13 BOVIS CONSTRUCTION have won a contract to manage a £200 million demolition and rebuilding programme in association with Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust ( HAT ) in east London .
14 An essential part of acquiring fluency in English is learning to produce connected speech without gaps between words , and this is the practical importance of linking .
15 " Applications … from the principal House holders of the Chapelry of Woodhead in the Parish of Mottram in Longdendale in the County of Chester … praying assistance in support of their institutions . "
16 When he left the pitch he started hurling abuse in French at the referee .
17 A hearty hail and fond farewell from Esquire 's founding editor in chief
18 No good can come from keeping lead in petrol and harm may result .
19 One of Margaret Thatcher 's first appointments when she became Prime Minister was that of Lord ( then Sir ) Derek Rayner as a part-time adviser on improving efficiency and eliminating waste in government .
20 Consequently , managers are gaining confidence in management information provided to them , though , of course , this is a slow process and an evolving one .
21 Imagination is essential for gaining knowledge in religion
22 He returned to Edinburgh to teach medical students , becoming lecturer in chemistry in 1863 and professor from 1869 to his retirement in 1908 .
23 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
24 In a US setting , Republicans are associated with keeping inflation in check at a greater cost in terms of unemployment than the Democrats will accept ; to put it , perhaps , too strongly , one is the party of unemployment and the other the party of inflation .
25 Fund-holding practices are gaining ground in popularity , and patients are certainly enjoying the extra benefits that flow from the GPs ' scheme .
26 If Wilko was willing to try something else in order to get a result then the same criticisms would not be appearing week in week out .
27 The two negative requirements are that the agreement must not impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of the first two criteria and that it must not afford the undertakings concerned the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question .
28 There is no enjoyment in climbing Whernside in mist or rain but if overtaken by bad weather , a perfect lifeline to safety is provided by a five-mile ridge wall that leads infallibly back to the environs of Ingleton .
30 What , then , is a useful way of conceptualising profit in relation to such examples ?
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