Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Er we have n't used very much of it this year I mean I think er I mentioned a few weeks ago the , the question of trips out perhaps in the spring to do fish and that , we could consider er we do n't want to just go er accumulating money for the sake of it erm , we want to get some benefit out of the money we 've got .
2 Ruggiero does n't accept that , perhaps because it would mean accepting responsibility for the way his son 's turned out . ’
3 In rural areas , ANDES members were established as leaders of the radical opposition to the regime and in the 1972 elections were fundamental in organizing support for the opposition coalition , the UNO .
4 Subject to that undertaking , I am pleased to announce today that I have increased the funding planned by the corporation by £22 million , bringing provision for the next three years to £130 million .
5 And the motion by Councillor Jack Newell went further … also demanding protection for the families of murder victims .
6 The PLO itself published a communiqué in Tunis on June 8 attributing responsibility for the killing to the Israeli secret service , Mossad — a charge which was in turn dismissed by the Israeli authorities as not meriting a response .
7 In caves and hill-strongholds the legend has persisted of the Lost Prince , Igor Fedorovitch , said to have survived the assassination of his father ; and it is mainly among ‘ simple , pastoral folk ’ that the Forgers of the Sword have been slowly gathering support for the restoration of the rightful king , after his existence and identity have been discovered .
8 However , despite a varied programme there has been great difficulty in gathering support for the other functions and indeed the last one had to be cancelled .
9 Although professing support for the retention of the pay formula , senior officers hoped industrial action could be avoided .
10 For Martin Brundle now , the desperate job of maintaining enthusiasm for the remainder of the world championships , while the desperate need of finding a new seat hangs over him .
11 When they had finished unloading , Therese said , ‘ My coco , I shall be helping Loulou for the next week or two , I do n't like leaving him much when he 's working on those big things .
12 Pantograph car 167 was first to leave Blackpool in 1962 , but is returning fully-restored for the Centenary in 1985 .
13 The company is understood to have abandoned development of the Repository altogether , and the switch of strategy leaves the whole AD/Cycle concept in complete disarray , though the company says that it is reaffirming support for the AD/Cycle tools available : to do anything else would leave the company open to all manner of retaliation from AD/Cycle International Alliance Members .
14 On Jan. 26 a single-paragraph statement by Mandela , dated Jan. 25 and reaffirming support for the ANC 's policy of nationalizing the " mines , banks and monopoly industries " , was released to refute rumours that he now favoured a mixed economy .
15 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
16 Twenty-three years after becoming premier for the first time , he shows every indication of wanting to lead the Liberals against the Parti Québécois in another election .
17 After initially denying responsibility for the attacks , the PNG Prime Minister , Rabbie Namaliu , later made a formal and personal apology to Mamaloni .
18 The Dowty group will provide twenty five million pounds worth of fuel systems and landing gear for the Tornado .
19 Interviews conducted by Tamar Pitch with members of the committee revealed that the campaign 's objectives included increasing public awareness of the issue of sexual assault and gaining recognition for the principle that violence against women was a serious offence .
20 Hannah Arendt has linked the rise of both pan-Germanism and pan-Slavism with the ‘ triumphant imperialist expansion of the Western nations ’ in the 1880s , but it is clear that while pan-Slav ideas were confined in the main to the idea of restoring or gaining independence for the Slav subjects of Prussia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire , pan-German ideas ran in a quite different direction .
21 The Ayrshire MPs were in Prestwick before returning south for the new parliamentary session which began this afternoon .
22 No manufacturing assets were sold within the farm feed business as they were to provide the storage , grinding and blending capacity for the manufacture of pet foods .
23 If someone who is offered an obviously forged check believes that if the issue is litigated a court will lay down a rule denying recovery for the future and apply that rule against him , he will not take the check in the first instance , and society will have the benefit of the better rule without actually paying the costs of litigation or incurring the disadvantages of bad commercial practice before the case is litigated .
24 Current efforts are aimed at finalising the gas price and sales contracts and gaining approval for the field 's development plan .
25 Lynsey has come through the ranks from Ulster Under-16 level , to the Under-21s , before gaining selection for the Ulster senior squad .
26 European Ryder Cup hopefuls Barry Lane , David Gilford and Steven Richardson considerably improved their chances of gaining selection for the match against the United States at The Belfry in September with top-six finishes in the Lancia Martini Italian Open at Modena .
27 Mr Byrne was involved with the Order 's cadet and badge ( the six to nine-year-olds ) sections in North Yorkshire before becoming Commissioner for the county of Cleveland 18 months ago .
28 Over the last 25 years , Bradford University has set out to serve society through excellence in teaching and research , by advancing learning and by applying knowledge for the benefit of all .
29 Born in Devon in 1954 , Andrew Mudge left school at the age of fifteen and did nine years ' service in the Navy before becoming Gardener for the Trust at Castle Drogo where he worked for seven years .
30 Planting new churches is one clear way of gaining ground for the kingdom of God .
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