Example sentences of "[num] is [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Forty is three thirty-two
2 Two , four , six Is that twelve , fourteen is it ?
3 Lot number sixty six Lot number sixty six is another one there we are , there 's another one showing for a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds any more at one ten , one twenty , thirty , forty , fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty at the back against you near me one eighty at the back and selling for a hundred and eighty pounds , all done at one eighty .
4 And we 've got tens times X , ten times three , Hang on , ten X , X is three okay , we add those up , one , two and three is five seven so see if that looks anything like right .
5 E N V Three is another one that er that might be offended .
6 Three plus three plus three plus three plus three plus three is twenty one .
7 Eight , no eight times three is twenty four .
8 Two times two is four times two is eight times three is twenty four .
9 forty is a hundred and twenty , fifty is one seven five , sixty is two forty , seventy is three fifty right
10 fourteen is two fifteen is three
11 forty is a hundred and twenty , fifty is one seven five , sixty is two forty , seventy is three fifty right
12 Twenty-four hundred times five is twelve thousand dollars worth of pig .
13 P forty five is three two nine L.
14 Lot number sixty five Lot sixty five is another one there we are another one showing I 'm offered seventy five to start me , at seventy five , eighty , eighty five , ninety five , ninety five is bid , at ninety five and selling , all done ?
15 seventeen is five eighteen is six nineteen is seven .
16 Okay so we 've got eleven and four is fifteen , and seventeen is thirty two .
17 That tell me low ah the no one is twenty five one is thirty seven and and hundred and seventy eight that means he threw three together .
18 Remember , these volumes of stock are in thousands , so one by one is one thousand shares .
19 So erm if thirty one is two thirds , another fifteen or so ponds
20 One is that twenty nine percent is too high and you 've explained that is n't , that is an artificial figure .
21 We must assume also that the number of the 1946 cohort alive on 1 January 1987 is 296 000 so that the total number of the cohort who achieved their 40th birthday was 296 000 + 580 .
22 Six fifty for the top three then then down the scale to nine to twelve is four hundred and fifty .
23 Add that up , nine is two nine two nine .
24 And Lot thirty nine is four six O , there it is , Lot thirty nine two hundred offered for it , any more at two hundred , and twenty two hundred and twenty pounds , any more ?
25 Yes that 's right , three times nine is twenty seven , yes .
26 Ten times twenty is two hundred .
27 Ten times five is fifty , then we go down here and six times twenty is one hundred and twenty .
28 So a hundred times twenty is twenty hundred , a hundred times seven will gives us what ?
29 Lot number sixty eight Lot sixty eight is another one there we are that one is showing for a hundred pounds at one ten , one twenty , one thirty bid , and s one forty one fifty sixty one seventy eighty one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty bid at the back and selling for two forty , all done at two hundred and forty .
30 Lot number fifty eight Lot number fifty eight is another five sections there we are , we 've got one of those showing for fifty pounds , at fifty , fifty five pounds , at fifty five , any more at sixty sixty five going on ?
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