Example sentences of "[num] to [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Approximately 10% of those infected become chronic carriers who can infect their families and patients , and have 12 to 300 times greater than normal risk of developing liver cancer .
2 There is also a very big difference in the offer arrival rate in the young and old segments of the market , with the under-25-year old men facing an offer rate of about 12 to 15 times that of men over 24 years of age .
3 In a rheumatoid arthritic 's inflamed knee there might be 50 cu.cm of inflamed joint capsule , consuming energy at 30 to 40 times the normal rate .
4 Among children with no detectable antibody at baseline , IPV was 2 to 14 times more likely than OPV to induce seroconversion ( type 1 , 80% vs 40% at 6 months [ p < 0.001 ] and 81% vs 14% at 9 months [ p < 0.001 ] ; type 3 , 76% vs 22% at 6 months [ p < 0.001 ] , and 67% vs 5% at 9 months [ p < 0.001 ] ) .
5 As shown in table II , seronegative children who had received IPV were 2 to 14 times more likely to seroconvert than those who had received OPV ; seroconversion rates in the IPV group were from 67% to 100% , compared with only 5% to 53% in the OPV group ( p < 0.001 ) .
6 Drinking every day is least common in the North , where men are more likely to drink a moderate 2 to 3 times a week .
7 The transfection experiments using constructions encompassing oligonucleotides I or III and the HSV-tk promoter demonstrated a less pronounced increase in transcription ( 2 to 3 times ) compared with the effect of the same sequences when located in the context of the entire promoter ( quotient ΔX/Δ63 in Figure 1 ) .
8 Christie 's and Sotheby 's obviously reproduce only quality drawings , and these appear , on average , to be 2 to 2.6 times more expensive than non-reproduced ones .
9 The cohabitors are quite active sexually : 2 to 6 times a week is their norm .
10 Build up slowly to a frequency of 20 muscle-pulls six to eight times a day .
11 Gold is pretty heavy , being six to eight times the , weight of the gravels , and it follows a certain line down the riverbed .
12 The largest of these will be able to lift six to seven times the maximum load that the space shuttle can carry .
13 Defence against medium high tides : A project is already underway to limit the damage to Venice itself , acting on the fact that a high water level of 80 cm. above mean Sea Level occurs on average fifty times per year , while a 100 cm. high ( almost half that of 1966 , when the water reached 194 cm ) occurs six to seven times .
14 Six to ten times
15 A recent study , published in The Lancet , found that premature babies were six to ten times more likely to get necrotising enterocolitis — the most common , serious gastro-intestinal disease seen in special-care units — if they had been fed formula milk in place of breast milk .
16 EGF itself is used , by others as well as ourselves , at doses 100 to 1000 times that used for inducing DNA synthesis in cell cultures , because the phosphorylation is not readily detectable at a lower dose .
17 IBM Corp has a less than impressive record in turning developments in its laboratories into commercial products , but perhaps that will change when an outsider is installed at the helm , and IBM researchers say they have developed a polymer film that can capture and hold vast amounts of data in the form of hologram images at speeds 100 to 1,000 times faster than current Winchester disk drives .
18 The effluent from paper making contains 10 to 100 times the amount of contaminants produced in the manufacture of polystyrene foam .
19 At this age , heavy smokers have 10 to 15 times the rate of fatal heart attacks of nonsmokers .
20 The trouble is , Albert admits , this method would allow anything from 10 to 369 times higher concentrations of dangerous substances like chloroform , benzene or DDT in water supplies , compared to the traditional formula .
21 Lucid expects to see revenues from its C product lines overtake those of its original Lisp products sometime next quarter — it says that Lisp is a niche ( though still growing ) market , and that the market for C products is from 10 to 20 times larger .
22 Lucid expects to see revenues from its C product lines overtake those of its original LISP products sometime next quarter — it says that LISP is a niche ( though still growing ) market , and that the market for C products is from 10 to 20 times larger .
23 — undercounting bombs and missiles on grounds that they took 10 to 20 times longer to reach their destination than ballistic missiles ;
24 Wages average approximately 7 to 12 times less than the corresponding rates in the USA .
25 Intel Corp is saying its revamped Pentium floating point unit operates three to 10 times better than the one in the 80486's , apparently positioning it against RISCs like the MIPS Technologies Inc R4000 .
26 According to Joly , basalt , obsidian , orthoclase felspar and hornblende weather three to fourteen times more rapidly in salt water than in fresh .
27 Their high-energy laser programme , concentrating on chemical lasers , is three to five times the size of its US equivalent .
28 That would take exercising at least three to five times a week . ’
29 It does over 2,000 input-output operations per second , three to five times better than the average Unix server , IBM says ; it costs $170,000 with 28.8Gb disk .
30 It does over 2,000 input operations per second , three to five times better than the average Unix server , IBM says .
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