Example sentences of "[num] and for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Data are presented for 1963–83 and for 1984–90 .
2 Juniper Green Tennis Club was formed in 1979 and for 11 years it has provided a valuable service to the local community in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains .
3 The Senate voted narrowly to continue funding the controversial B-2 " Stealth " bomber project , 15 of which were under construction , allocating $4,600 million for the construction of two bombers during 1991 and for further research into the radar-evading aircraft .
4 It was built in 1490 and for much of the time it was owned by the Darrel family .
5 Further increases are planned for 1993-94 and for 1994-95 .
6 It will be noted that there was here no attempt to carry out the balancing exercise required by article 10 and for that reason alone this decision is of little persuasive authority .
7 With regard to the first question , the Court was evenly divided 4–4 and for that reason affirmed the judgement of the Lower Courts which had accepted the misappropriation doctrine .
8 Brides International dresses at Debenhams and Dingles in Plymouth are in silks and satins , embroidered or beaded in sizes 10–22 and for real value , most are under £500 .
9 Sedgwick , born in Dent in 1785 and for many years Professor of Geology at Trinity College , Cambridge , and a friend of Wordsworth and Darwin , describes the galleries of Dent vividly and delightfully in his book , A Memorial To Cowgill Chapel 1868 : ‘ The galleries were places of mirth and glee and active happy industry for there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel and the hum and the songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day . ’
10 The Comptroller and Auditor General shall for the financial year ending 31st March 1984 and for each subsequent financial year prepare an estimate of the expenses of the National Audit Office ; and the Commission shall examine that estimate and lay it before the House of Commons with such modifications , if any , as the Commission see fit .
11 For the three sectors combined and with 1980 as base year , calculate current-weighted ( Paasche ) price index numbers for 1976 and for 1986 .
12 After Corrections I joined Picture Group in 1981 and for some reason I ended up doing a lot of work for them in the ghettos , guns , drugs and things like that ; it became my forte and I came to feel at ease in this kind of environment .
13 The Board of Trade 's official figure for 1892 was 20,000 and for 1893 , 15,000 but for the latter year it may actually have been less , little more than 12,000 .
14 But during 1939–45 and for some years after the war , there was a marked change in judicial attitudes .
15 It was to the old mill that James Christie came from Kintyre , where he worked as a spinner in a lint mill , in 1873 and for ten years carded wool for the local women to spin , did a little weaving and some farming .
16 Similar courses were provided for Hoffman Manufacturing Company , Chelmsford , from spring 1957 and for English Electric at Stevenage from autumn 1958 ; by the end of 1961 no less than eight firms were on the list , among them De Havilland , Imperial Chemical Industries and International Computers and Tabulators .
17 The Government did manage to bring down the rate of income tax , but at the same time we increased the annual budget for health between 1983 and 1987 from £15.5 billion to £20.7 billion and for social security from £36.7 billion to £48.7 billion .
18 A study in West Yorkshire found that the overall risk for bladder cancer for male smokers was 1.7 and for female smokers 1.4 [ 8 ] .
19 He was called to the bar in 1843 and for most of the rest of his life he practised as a conveyancer .
20 As the DES decided in 1980 to discontinue its approval arrangements for OND by 1982 and for other courses by 1981 , the Association of County Councils and the Standing Conference of Regional Advisory Councils agreed to set up a national committee , namely the NCCAE , to replace the role of the DES .
21 The proportion of cases among those with missing data was disproportionately higher in the Maori group , leading to a greater odds ratio when compared with the non-Maori children ( univariate odds ratio of those with full data was 3.42 and for those without full data 4.60 ) .
22 The third-class passengers on the Beira and Mashonaland railway travelled in this way in 1900 and for many years afterwards .
23 At intervals throughout the next months he worked on this material , in preparation for his show at the Lefevre Gallery in September 1951 and for other exhibitions .
24 0-6-0T locomotives in the Class USA had been an interesting addition to the British Railway scene at the end of World War Two and for some years during the steam era of British Railways .
25 The conductor was Mr. L. Lambert , who had started conducting with Croydon Corporation in 1919 and for many years had been their union representative .
26 The programmes of study were introduced in the classroom for 5 year olds in the autumn of 1989 and for 11 year olds in 1990 .
27 Throughout the late 1960s and for much of the 1970s , the Urban Programme had concentrated on social schemes .
28 In 1989-90 the total amount of grant was £33.8 million , in 1990-91 it was £31.2 million and for 1991-92 it is £29.7 million .
29 The form for courses to be held in March should be returned by 2 March 1988 and for all other courses by 31 March 1988 .
30 The US Congress at the end of March 1988 allocated humanitarian aid to the contras which enabled them to continue as a force , but Nicaragua from May 1988 unilaterally extended the Sapoá ceasefire on a monthly basis throughout 1988 and for most of 1989 [ see pp. 36421-22 ; 36681 ; see also below ] .
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