Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
2 DOWNING Street insists that President-elect Bill Clinton is not angry with the British Government and so is not snubbing John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
3 BILL CLINTON has snubbed Premier John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
4 Anyone wanting to render him into modern English must reckon with the possibility of having to abandon or in some way replace the metre ; and then , where Horatian Latin steps lightly , so lightly , as to the sound of flutes , in comes English with galumphing hoof , trumpeting rhymes .
5 Greeting him on his return from battle , she hands him over to his wife with palpable reluctance ; seeking to calm him before his confrontation with the people , she shackles him in an iron grip ; and , in the great plea with him not to sack Rome , she pinpoints the lines about him treading on his mother 's womb ‘ that brought thee to this world ’ .
6 Stephanie watched Daniel , wanting to protect him from Marcus .
7 In that case the appellant who was , and is , serving a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment for murder , sought a declaration against the Parole Board and the Secretary of State that he was in effect entitled to know the reasons for refusing to release him on licence .
8 Mr Fitzwater reiterated President Bush 's denial earlier in the day that the United States , which has indicted General Noriega on drug trafficking charges and has been seeking to oust him for nearly two years , had initiated the revolt .
9 I often suspected a touch of sheer paranoia in Colin on race weekends : as though he felt that the gods out there were all conspiring to deprive him of his advancement and rights .
10 Syncretistic vision represents the salient visible details , the hero 's Brylcreemed hair and pocketful of peanuts , rather than seeking to explain him in terms of his social and intellectual background .
11 But as always I was wary of contradicting him , not wanting to antagonize him by even the slightest show of disagreement in case he left me .
12 In 798 those who had plotted against King Aethelred now came together again , probably with the intention of restoring Osbald , for Alcuin wrote to Osbald evidently seeking to deter him from renewed intervention in Northumbrian affairs .
13 It was as if time had lost all meaning , as if even that were conspiring to hasten him to this place where he would spend the rest of his life .
14 Seeking to emulate him in every way , he decided he too would have a multiplicity of spouses .
15 His office says he has kept at least 20 top-flight journalists and analysts cooling their heels waiting to interview him since October .
16 It may be that Borg realised quite soon that family life was not going to carry him through the great silence left behind by his renunciation of that terrible drug , competitiveness .
17 ‘ I 'm going to see him about a play I have written . ’
18 The trouble was that very few members of the audience at the Theatre Royal , Brighton , understood either what he was saying or why they had spent the money on going to see him in the first place .
19 Yes , while attempting to hit him with a bat .
20 Procter 's anger at this annoyed Lloyd so much that he told his captain he was going to hit him over the pavilion ; and he did just that — next ball .
21 The Campbells were waiting to greet him in the hall , and Elizabeth saw him for the first time .
22 No doubt there were minions in plenty to see to the plane and Maggie noted that his sister had not come rushing to meet him in the car .
23 Then , as she nodded in agreement , he added viciously , ‘ Were you already planning , even as that photograph was being taken , how you were going to fleece him of every penny he possessed ? ’
24 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
25 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
26 Pop having to return to Burma for another year with the Governor , and finally my going to meet him in Liverpool when he was sent home at the end of that year very sick , never to return to Burma .
27 Not going to tackle him about this business of Dora 's golf-club , are you ? ’
28 ‘ Are you going to receive him in bed like an empress or downstairs in the drawing-room like an innocent ? ’
29 Once when a policeman announced he was going to arrest him for being drunk and disorderly , Minton pointed to his helmet and expostulated , ‘ What !
30 ‘ I have been waiting to pick him for some time but our form was not good and it was not easy on Dion living in hotels .
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