Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to train your dog to accept grooming as part of its regular routine .
2 The services offered are often generic and when it comes to competing for work from the SSD , ‘ being a Jack of all trades does n't fit easily into the contracting culture ’ .
3 However , the male platypus also makes use of it when competing for territory along a river , although its effect on rival males is not known .
4 Shankill player Cowan , the former Irish Junior number one , is no longer eligible for Junior events and welcomes the opportunity to share the team bench with the legendary Slevin , now competing for Lubeck in the German National League .
5 Inglewood , California-based Locus Computing Corp , has introduced Transparent Network Computing environment , TNC , the latest incarnation of its transport-independent distributed systems architecture ( UX No 271 ) , which will be competing for space with similar technologies from NobleNet Inc and Covia Technologies Inc ( UX No 395 ) .
6 Despite the wealth of evidence that nuclear power can never under-price fossil fuel-generated electricity , BNFL is looking at ways of competing for supply in the open market .
7 Medium-sized local radio stations in cities could find themselves competing for revenue with the newcomer , it added .
8 The Buid and Semai examples should also serve as a caution against theories about violence and aggression which treat them as typically involving a contest between two balanced opponents competing for access to a scarce resource .
9 Of course , in er mammals wha you could say what was happening in mammals is that males are competing for access to uteruses .
10 They 're competing for access to male pouches , what mammalian males are doing is competing for access to female uteruses because it 's only in a female uterus that an offspring can develop if you 're a mammal .
11 They 're competing for access to male pouches , what mammalian males are doing is competing for access to female uteruses because it 's only in a female uterus that an offspring can develop if you 're a mammal .
12 Leyhill prison on the Gloucestershire Avon border is as far from the popular conception of a jail as you can get.Modern buildings cluster around borders boasting blooms that many public parks would be hard pressed to match.Leyhill is an open prison … the last port of call for inmates nearing the end of their sentences.A hundred prisoners work on the nearly forty acres of lawns , borders and market gardens.Their skills won them a silver medal at Chelsea for this display of garden design.And at Leyhill , they 've created a spectacular show … with drifts of brightly coloured pelargoniums competing for attention with giant cannas … and a fine show of roses.New borders are being created all the time … giving the prisoners an opportunity to express themselves and learn techniques that could help them go straight when they 're released :
13 It is not obvious how this can be guaranteed by bureaus competing for business in quasi-market conditions .
14 There had been fears that the entry of SeaCat into the cross-Channel route would mean more companies competing for business in a static market .
15 30 years on , Hay is justifiably known as ’ The Town of Books , ’ with 25 bookshops competing for business from one million visitors a year .
16 From there they sailed to America , their ships competing for trade with those from Bristol and Liverpool ( see map C ( ii ) on page 37 ) .
17 I hope that the paper will contribute to the debate about the nature and form of organizing for health in other countries .
18 Schering-Plough managing director Tony Cork said his team was relocating as part of its plans for further growth .
19 When she arrived in England in 1568 she claimed to be seeking the protection of her cousin Elizabeth , but at the same time began scheming for support in her claims to both thrones , having earlier told a priest that she ‘ trusted to find many friends when time did serve , especially among those of the old religion ’ .
20 I conceive that the promise would not be binding for want of a previous request by the testator .
21 ‘ The stewardess thought he was weeping for happiness at being free .
22 Then he and Yanek embraced one another , weeping for joy to be together again .
23 If " focusing " in this case were to involve levelling as part of new dialect creation , then we might expect /e : / and /o : / to become the new focus , as they are the majority variants , the prestige variants almost everywhere , and arguably simpler in phonological terms than the others .
24 Reports indicated that it included strong guarantees of fundamental human rights , but that a number of clauses gave rise to heated debate , including proposed provisions allowing for detention without trial and for the postponement of local elections for five years .
25 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
26 The ‘ Office of Innovation ’ ( OI ) transcends the interests of individual departments , thereby allowing for cross-fertilization of ideas among divisions .
27 Slough , Berkshire-based T IS Ltd has launched a telephone call logging system aimed specifically at UK local authorities : dubbed Genesis MX , the system is claimed to produce cost centre recharge reports and time-to-answer reports in line with Citizen 's Charter recommendations ; personal computer-based , the product is also claimed to provide flexible recharge reports ( allowing for cross-billing of departments ) which can be linked to micro and mainframe systems for automatic accounting ; no word yet on list price , but T IS is also introducing a rental scheme for the system .
28 A communiqué issued on July 4 at the end of a five-day meeting of the central committee of the ruling Parti congolais du travail ( PCT ) announced agreement on wide-ranging political reforms , specifically ( i ) broadening membership of the party ; ( ii ) abandoning Marxism-Leninism as the ideology of the state ; ( iii ) separating the functions of party and state ; ( iv ) ending the one-party system ; and ( v ) strengthening existing mechanisms allowing for freedom of expression , of the press , and of association .
29 Even allowing for doubt about whether the vitamin supplementation was effective , administering it seems to be a one way bet — at worst it is harmless , but at best it may cure or prevent the disorder in question .
30 The disadvantage ( occasionally overwhelming ) is the capital cost , even allowing for relief in respect of interest charges and capital allowances for new buildings and other improvements .
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