Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even though the prices of many of the goods which were used in constructing the retail price index were subject to government control , the official consumer price index increased between January 1970 and September 1973 by 119 per cent and , using this same index , the official rate of inflation in the fourth quarter of 1973 was over 500 per cent .
2 It links to a further ESRC supported research project , using this same database , to analyse unemployment .
3 Using this same period as a basis for comparison with the general population and examining available records ( including the Icelandic Who 's Who ) , he was able to show that the relatives concerned significantly more often entered creative occupations .
4 Using this same loophole in The Jokers prevented the brothers from being charged .
5 The thing to work on is applying this same principle to the playing situation .
6 Hence , any tax on films , by driving a wedge between the marginal value of films and the marginal cost of films , drives a wedge between the marginal benefit of employing scarce resources in the film industry and employing these same resources in the meals industry .
7 Jake had been hurling these same insults at her now for years , and by now she ought to be totally immune to them .
8 As environmental health officers become more aware of the implications of poor canopy design , manufacture and maintenance , and their own staffing levels and training improve , many kitchen operators are in for a very rude and expensive awakening ( in most cases the cost of replacing an inefficient system is considerably higher than fitting that same system from the outset ) .
9 Here are two other methods of adding those same numbers :
10 I 've often wondered what the odds were against breaking that same pane twice in succession .
11 Any professional approach that does not concern itself with supporting and facilitating these same processes of growth for people with learning difficulties must be seriously open to question .
12 After consulting this same healer on several further occasions , Simone decided to join a small team of people specialising in past-life therapy , and now helps others to come to terms with traumas in the past which are blocking present progress or happiness .
13 Now it 's quite likely that next time I come we can spend quite a bit of time doing this same thing again yeah cos there 's a lot in it there 's angles using a protractor adding things up to check they come to the total that the angles come to three sixty and there 's this thing about fractions there 's cancelling fractions and then there 's working with quite big numbers three hundred and sixty what 's two fifteenths of three hundred and sixty mm that 's quite hard .
14 When performing this same task for forty minutes after sleep loss subjects began by showing faster responses to the centrally placed lights than the peripheral ones , like rested subjects .
15 In short , they have a dual role to perform ( Ruble , 1979 ) in mobilising workers behind production goals , whilst defending those same workers in job-related grievances against unscrupulous administrators and illegitimate managerial practices .
16 Airdrie , who missed out on a place in the Skol Cup final after a penalty shoot-out , followed Liverpool by taking that same route to the Scottish Cup final .
17 Butler sees deviant sexualities more generally as involving this same process of denaturalizing , as parodic subversive repetitions which displace rather than consolidate heterosexual norms .
18 When required to learn a further discrimination involving these same cues but a different response ( for example , a reversal in which a simple push to the previously non-rewarded cue now yielded reward ) the animals pre-trained with the larger magnitude response learned more readily .
19 If the stimuli used in initial training have acquired distinctiveness , then this might be revealed in positive transfer to a second task involving these same stimuli .
20 Peculiars are by definition uncommon but they are worth searching for and if present in a case would strongly favour any remedies showing that same symptom .
21 Sixty years later others were to be accused of making this same oversight .
22 Reviewing this same exhibition , both Allard and Apollinaire noticed that for the first time in several years the influence of Matisse and Fauvism was slight .
23 Now Lady Mendl was after all a highly successful professional decorator , and whatever her sumptuous simplicities in the matter of table decoration — a little white Ming rabbit at each guest 's place , a remnant of sixteenth-century French green silk brocade used as a tablecloth , one flawless magnolia on the tea tray ( the photograph of her butler carrying this same tray alone makes a copy of the book worth searching for ) — she certainly did n't seriously intend playing them down .
24 For several years that basic idea of using a flight simulator kept coming up in my mind and it was in 1974 , after I had attended the meeting of the Accident Investigation Division of ICAO in Montreal , that I was discussing this same problem with Bernard Caiger of the Canadian National Research Council .
25 The child 's parents , and especially his father , were perceived as the obstacle to a realization of his Oedipus wishes ; so his infantile ego fortified itself for the carrying out of the repression by erecting this same obstacle within itself .
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