Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 I his was followed by another salvo crashing nearer to the German positions .
2 I could also see the colour of paint I was using due to the pearly-white bristles .
3 In bringing Labour to the edge of victory , Mr Kinnock has performed a near-miracle .
4 They were old-fashioned in cut , waisted and full-skirted as the coat of a Regency buck , and with crested metal buttons fastening high to the side of the throat .
5 Moderator could the convenor tell us why the Board wishes to be discharged its remit on health and healing when it 's been so successful in bringing this to the notice of the whole church ?
6 Then with a splash she was plunging into the crystal-clear water , and , an instant later , bobbing unharmed to the surface .
7 He was becoming used to the idea that Jinneth was not Jenny , that Bragad was not Hugh .
8 In the denominator the factor V/R is proportional to the winding current and therefore V/R is the flux linked with the phase winding due to the current in the winding , so : From Eqn .
9 Make a Fel test for the character announcing this to the ghosts , and apply the following modifiers :
10 The boundaries suggested by history and tradition , for example , while appearing sensible to the electors , might bear little relationship to the patterns of employment or shopping that were appropriate to officers preparing a transportation system .
11 It also reveals some of the difficulties in relating this to the popular reception of Hitler 's image .
12 On the death of Queen Mary in 1694 , a sermon was preached noting how rare it was to find courage and heroism in a woman and relating this to the modesty and selfless nature of the late queen , in abasing herself before her husband .
13 The object of this research is to compile statistics in US dollars terms of annual Soviet economic aid deliveries by monitoring progress on each project from start to finish , and relating this to the original value given to that project .
14 This defence of Marxism carries over , however , to a critique of Modernism itself : not merely for the fact that Nietzsche attaches ‘ importance ’ to art but for the further claim ascribed to him , and therefore to Modernism itself , that ‘ the nature of aesthetic experience contains in nuce the form of understanding proper to the world itself ( p. 66 ) .
15 Half-way through the twentieth century it was becoming clear to the more perceptive analysts that , whatever the political limitations might or might not be to that form of growth , there were ecological limitations looming on the horizon .
16 The colliery owners undertook to support the new Union by giving it sole negotiating rights ; by agreeing to deduct the Union contribution from wages ; by contributing 12,500 to the Union 's pension fund and by harrying known members of the NMA .
17 You can rid of deodorant stains by making a paste out of bicarbonate or soda and salt and applying this to the stain for 15 , minutes or soak the garment in a biological detergent .
18 Applying this to the body of Christ in Cranham , the very week that I finalised the membership of the team and announced it , one couple in the team had a violent row with others and left the new work and also the church .
19 Applying this to the realities of international law , the ethical positivist in the first place rejects the search for an intuited or reasoned ‘ natural law ’ on which to base international law , for he views law as a human creation to serve those human objectives which survive ethical criticism .
20 It is important that that service is not barred from applying direct to the further education funding council .
21 TRACE II thus combines ‘ loose ’ left to right processing with a form of island driving limited to the length of the spanning higher level-units .
22 Spraying conventional crops with fungicides costs US$750 a hectare a year and is a hazard to the health of plantation workers and the environment ; there is also evidence that black sigatoka had been becoming resistant to the chemicals .
23 This is just the newly-born body becoming acclimatized to the type of diet and foodstuffs that we now eat .
24 It is vitally important to know something of the individual richness and variety of each religious tradition before becoming subject to the generalisations of those engaged in comparative religion .
25 However , becoming accustomed to the Scandinavian way takes some adjustment .
26 Bernice continued absently to stroke Elaine 's forehead , but her eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom , and she was puzzled .
27 His eyes were becoming accustomed to the dark .
28 The risk of events occurring prior to the Balance Sheet Date but only coming to light after the Accounts have been signed off should be placed on the Vendor .
29 Improved methods of obtaining a tissue diagnosis are therefore becoming essential to the management of biliary tract strictures .
30 After leaving the cylinders , it powers items of auxiliary equipment before passing through a large radiator in the support unit , returning cool to the water tank .
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