Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 The objections that are raised against identity assumptions in respect of meanings in such a context are chiefly motivated by the fear that such assumptions might commit us to accepting meanings as some kind of entities .
2 We have been pursuing proposals for some time .
3 The ASB will , before long , be producing proposals on some of the most difficult subjects that it will ever have to face .
4 It was a process which had been gathering momentum for some time and has continued since .
5 Casework usually involves added complexity and the opinion is gaining credence in some circles that it is almost impossible to gain sufficient experience to become proficient unless one spends two whole days a week in a bureau .
6 However sources say that all these talks , which do n't appear to have progressed much beyond soliciting proposals from some , have come to nothing and that Sun is now resolved on developing its own terminal , an activity already believed to be underway , perhaps at its East Coast facility , long a champion of such a product .
7 On balance it has been an enjoyable task and a great privilege to undertake on behalf of the Club necessitating searches through some 4,000 documents , including old copies of the Standard back to 1895 .
8 It rejected a letter from Aziz announcing compliance with some , but not all , of the resolutions , although Iraq was reportedly declaring willingness to comply with Resolution 660 on unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait .
9 Few crews get home without someone becoming host to some parasites .
10 The use of concomitant pyloroplasty ( no longer recommended ) and retention of a relatively small-bore sound in the oesophagus during fundoplication may have been contributing factors in some postoperative conditions such as dysphagia and gastritis , but should not have influenced the antireflux efficacy of fundoplication .
11 The science of Radionics , now gaining respectability in some scientific circles due to the understanding that fields of subtle energy guide our consciousness , is a process which allows a total image of an individual 's life pattern to be recorded from a single cell or hair sample or any minute segment of the body .
12 More complex shapes , such as flowers , leaves and even butterflies are possible , although it may be necessary to use more than one strand of weaving yarn for some of these shapes to avoid floats .
13 Meanwhile , up in Northam , that figurative Northern city , the New Year had also advanced , ignored by some , welcomed by others , bringing surprises to some , and a deadly , continuing tedium to others .
14 By the end of the 1970s , it seemed clear to me that if any cellular or biochemical process was to be regarded as forming part of some type of memorial code , it must show just these features that the drug studies could not readily provide , of being both necessary and sufficient to account for the memory .
15 Attempted suicide appears to have become an acceptable way of expressing distress among some people , and has therefore been likened to a fashion .
16 Respectable England did not have the stomach for such a drastic curtailment of civil liberties , however , and although fearful of how to absorb the most noxious criminal elements back into society without the option of packing them off to the colonies , the deliberations of the mid-1850s bogged down in suggestions for more effective surveillance of ‘ ticket-of-leave ’ men , together with some wishful thinking about reviving transportation in some form or another .
17 In addition there is the conceptual difficulty of defining clients for some services such as the police or highways .
18 There are various ways in which the visual field can be reduced or interrupted , causing problems with some school tasks whilst apparently not affecting others .
19 A Kangra picture of circa 1780 depicting the God Krishna tending cattle with some cowherds is estimated at £30–40,000 ( $55–70,000 ) , while a scene from a tiger hunt in Kotah , by Hans Raj Johi , dating from circa 1850 , is expected to make £60–80,000 ( $100–140,000 ) .
20 Writing in the Annual Review for 1992-93 , AEA 's former chairman , says : ‘ Results for the year were satisfactory and , although turnover was marginally lower , operating profits of some £23 million demonstrate the quality of the underlying business and confirm that we have a sure base on which to build .
21 AN election candidate was last night accused of abusing democracy after some of the people who signed his nomination papers said they were not told he was standing for the far-Right British National Party .
22 President Clinton 's plan to promote the US National Institute of Standards & Technology-developed Clipper Chip as a way to protect cellular telephone conversations from eavesdropping ( CI No 2,151 ) is causing concern among some users , who are worried about who will keep the key .
23 A woman who knew her told the court the girl had been abusing solvents for some time .
24 Since her two daughters have left home she has been researching 18th Century records preparatory to writing biographies of some political reformers .
25 Dot clutched tight to Gloria 's coat as they made their way through the dark rustling leaves of some tall shrubs .
26 Otherwise the London Boroughs are now multipurpose authorities , reviving hopes amongst some observers that the large towns of England and Wales might one day regain their ‘ county borough ’ status , leaving the county councils free to pursue their former traditional , more rural , role in collaboration with the small parish , town and community councils .
27 His absorption with Mao and Castro was so open that the neighbors took it for a double bluff , and each new discovery of an agent transmitting messages from some ordinary-looking English suburb increased the tension of their interest in the land mine who was surely bound one day to go off in their own street .
28 Here , it is worth drawing attention to some points other than cost which emerge from the analysis of people 's attitudes to different types of credit ( Appendix I , Tables 12a , 12b , 12c and comments on them ) .
29 As Peter Vogtlander , chemicals coordinator for the Royal Dutch/Shell group , said at the ECMRA meeting in September , ‘ to introduce , say a carbon tax while still maintaining subsidies on some fuels , such as coal , is plainly inconsistent ’ .
30 The Serbian irregulars , he says , ‘ may be waging war for some mad reasons in the name of a sick , morbid and fanatical nationalism .
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