Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Old finishes can be removed with a blow-lamp , hot air stripper , by sanding or with a solvent paint and the varnish remover .
3 The author recalls an able Treasury minister who , after resignation , became a convinced and cogent parliamentary reformer , explaining that as a minister he had had no time to work out this aspect of policy and therefore , since the Treasury was opposed to more specialist committees of the House of Commons , he used the brief they provided and he had been a formidable opponent of these reforms at the Cabinet Committee level .
4 Mr Leigh also highlighted the tensions in Government by revealing that as a minister he had organised other meetings of junior ministers in opposition to the Maastricht Bill paving the way for closer European ties .
5 Veblen took pleasure in representing that in a society as dedicated to practical efficiency as the United States emulation should have been directed to the pursuit of objectives as conspicuously useless and therefore wasteful as gold or precious stones .
6 I use the Park both for walking and as a motorist , but more frequently for cycling , and I write on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ and Edinburgh cyclists in general .
7 One of Mr Paull 's interests is dowsing and after a visit to the famous crop circle , he returned home with samples of the cereal from inside and outside the circle .
8 In a way it was challenging and in a way it was totally natural .
9 Marc stopped laughing and for a moment his eyes darkened .
10 Many of the people were dying because of a terrible drought and famine .
11 ‘ Accordingly , on the fall of the hammer the property of this car passed to King unless that prima facie rule is excluded from applying because of a different intention appearing or because there was some condition in the contract preventing the rule from applying . ’
12 In one instance a picture lent from Czechoslovakia to Cologne was prevented from returning because of a claim to title made by the former owner 's heir .
13 It is in a complicated building , and WHS had to close the shop soon after opening because of a planning dispute which included fears of excess noise from the airconditioning system .
14 Some rejected his proposed method of procedure and in 1931 Kurt Gödel dashed all hopes by proving that in a consistent system formalising the natural numbers there is a theorem A such that neither A nor not-A can be proved within the system .
15 In contrast , BMP-2 inhibits limb growth , suggesting that as a result the AER may serve a hitherto unrecognized inhibitory function .
16 These findings are also in line with figures produced by the Justices ' Clerks ' Society ( 1992 ) which we cited earlier , suggesting that for a given range of offence types , Crown Courts are very much more likely to resort to custody than magistrates courts , and to do so for longer .
17 For smaller cities tight inner ring roads were advocated , Tripp suggesting that in a city of 100,000 population the radius of the inner ring road would probably be a quarter to half a mile , while in a city of a million , the radius would be a mile or more .
18 We shall not be mistaken in seeing that as a reference to God the Holy Spirit .
19 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
20 It 's the classic chicken and the egg problem , that if you try and identify something starting one area , and using that as a sort of causal factor for another area of behaviour , I 'm not sure whether , in the majority of cases , you can satisfactorily identify one as being the cause and the other being the result of that causal factor .
21 Although evidence is accumulating that in a number of birds females prefer long-tailed mates , the role of natural selection in tail elaboration has been largely ignored .
22 This band had such an enormous impact on the rock world in the late '60s , and it was only some years later that I fully appreciated my own debt , realising that for a ( heavy ) rock band , Zep often had an underlying funkiness , due in large part to the style of J.P.J. which allowed for some very subtle and interesting grooves .
23 Then , realising that for a supposedly experienced sailor her enthusiasm was a little over the top , she added quickly and with complete honesty , ‘ I 've never sailed a boat like Seawitch before .
24 It is also known as the Thumb Knot and can be used to stop the ends of rope from unravelling or as a stopper knot , for example , between beads on the necklace .
25 Many of the studies that do exist have been small scale or have had some other issue , such as integration , as their key focus , referring to welfare assistance either in passing or as a subsidiary concern .
26 Many clinicians have seized the opportunities implicit within the clinical directorate structure believing that in a cash limited system the most positive response to any threat to clinical freedom is to become involved in the discussions stemming from the financial restriction .
27 Therefore it seemed fitting that as a tribute to him and his comrades I produce a sculpture with this tool .
28 I would n't fancy lugging that round a golf course . ’
29 A similar state of affairs had existed only at the very dawn of coinage when , in a number of areas including Asia Minor or Athens , a variety of personal designs had appeared , perhaps implying that for a short time after its inception coinage was sometimes produced on the authority of prominent individuals rather than of the state .
30 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
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